The message- “Acknowledge that the universal healing forces flow through your heart and hands -Snake

1 year ago

Amazing! Well here we are day before Halloween 🎃 another reptile message from the universe.

Today we have snake! Red belly black in fact.
Also symbolic of the current Scorpion energy - the process of death darkness, endings, hidden, secrets surface, psychic, transformation, rebirth!

This eclipse and the last two eclipses are deeply impacting my personal chart! My soul definitely chose some pretty tough energy to over come this lifetime, this recent eclipse in scorpio was hitting by my moon, my ascendant, my whole identity, and Pluto by transit was conjunct my sun also squaring my moon and ascendant and I’m in a Saturn return, all at the same time … it’s been so deeply intense internally and externally, I honestly feel like I’m dying, or being prepared for it.

It’s a very strange feeling to say the least and I cannot talk to a soul about it, as they simply do not understand, it’s hard to understand unless you’ve experienced something this raw, though the contradictions I see in the people’s words to actions is astonishing, honestly no idea, serving up silly programmed commentary,
“ when you give it comes back 10x “
Ivory tower Phases built on hot air, spin some people speak with no mind or awareness of the real issues in a peoples lives, I’m simply sharing a small observation is all… so today universe sends me snake as a reminder something is about to occur in my life, not sure what it is but i have felt this energy coming towards me for some time.

The message-

“Acknowledge that the universal healing forces flow through your heart and hands in ways that help others find their own destiny”.

Black snakes are omens of good fortune. Like most good fortune, they are inconspicuous and rare. So, when a specimen presents itself, it behooves one to take notice.
Historically, serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. As snakes shed their skin through sloughing, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing.
The ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life.

Well let’s see what happens next … 😂 I’m ready! Bring it on.

Grace and Peace


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