✝️explanatory version of Psalm 39💕

1 year ago

explanatory version of Psalm 39

Once, in a moment of deep reflection, I made a promise to myself. I said, "I must be cautious with my words, so I don't stumble into sinful speech. I'll hold my tongue like it's bridled, especially when I'm in the company of those who do wicked things."

There were times when I held back, not only from speaking ill but even from saying what was good. My silence was accompanied by a heavy heart, filled with sorrow. I was burning with thoughts and emotions, but I kept them inside.

In those moments, I looked up to the heavens and prayed, "Lord, help me understand the brevity of life and the limited number of my days. Teach me to recognize how fragile I am."

I realized that our existence is like a tiny span, as insignificant as the width of a hand. When viewed in the grand scheme of things, our years are like a fleeting moment. In truth, every person, even at their best, is but a breath, a fleeting shadow.

People often live as if they're putting on a show, accumulating riches without knowing who will inherit them in the end. And I pondered, "What am I truly waiting for, Lord? My hope, my trust, it all rests in You."

I prayed for deliverance from my wrongdoings, not to be the subject of ridicule by those who lack understanding. At times, I was silent, not offering a word in my defense, because I recognized that You, Lord, were in control.

There were moments when I felt the weight of Your discipline, which, though it may seem harsh, is meant to correct our wrongs. It can wear us down like a moth consuming clothing. In the end, everything we chase in life is just an illusion.

So, I poured out my heart in prayer, O Lord, and I asked You not to turn a deaf ear to my tears. For in this world, I'm but a stranger, a temporary resident, just like my ancestors before me. Please, have mercy on me and help me regain my strength before I depart and am no more.

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