Harmful and forced Ideologies VS Parents protecting their children

11 months ago

This is a national issue and if these socialist and marxist strategies succeed in the indoctrination of our children, then liberty is lost within our generation.

There are many battles to protect our way of life, but our children should be at the top. They are our future and any damage done to our children is damage done to our future.

Laws of nature and nature's God will always justify our inalienable liberties being defended. Life, Liberty, Health and Property is supposed to be protected by our government.

If government ever becomes destructive to these liberties, then the Organic Laws set precedence along with the Nuremburg trials of how we are to respond. There is a Higher Law which holds all nations accountable, and that's how Nazi Germany was judged, though they changed their constitution to perform unspeakable crimes against humanity.

This agenda is a crime against humanity, and it's time for God's people to stand for His creation. We are endowed by our Creator to do so.


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