NFL Considers Rule That Will Make Players Stand During National Anthem

7 years ago

After both NFL and NBA teams have been seen kneeling or holding hands during the national anthem in protest of police brutality, and the notion from President Trump to fire any and all players who will refuse to stand in respect to the American flag, the National Football League is considering issuing a rule that will FORCE players to stand.

Coaches and, in some case, owners, have joined the players’ protests. The news comes on the same day as President Trump suggested in his favorite means of communication, the social platform Twitter, that the NFL should stop getting US tax breaks for disrespecting the flag.

Ed Riley, reporter for Eyewitness News, did his research and, when questioning US citizens, some of them have said that the players’ protests are disrespecting not only the flag, but also the country’s service people. Others believe it is their First Amendment right to express themselves.

But angry fans and nervous sponsors have put pressure on the League, because they believe the protests are becoming a massive distraction from the game itself.

Adjunct professor at sports law at the University of Buffalo Nellie Drew believes that NFL needed to take some action, in order to protect its business. She also believes that such a freedom will encourage players to protest for other social issues, with no one to control the message.

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