Feather Lightwork Ep. 01 Initiation

1 year ago

In modern contexts, "initiation" refers to the first action steps taken when starting something new, like a project, a relationship, or a podcast. ;) It marks the beginning of a big endeavor. The idea of initiation may include specific rituals and cultural significance, signifying personal growth, development, or transitions. These initiations often reflect a positive change or a new beginning in various areas of life. As it relates to the Feather Lightwork series, this initiation opens the doors of inner knowing.
The Feather Lightwork podcast is an invitation to rekindle the inner fire. Our offerings are designed for intuitive development, fanning the flames of self-mastery through self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care. We help people to remember and renew their roles as their own greatest healer, teacher, and ally in life. Audrey Love and Cabe Lindsay are co-facilitators on this transformative journey. In each of our episodes, we explore a path to unlimited potential for health, wealth, and connection. This is our Work, and it is an honor.
Information: Feather Lightwork (https://featherlightwork.com)
Connection: Audrey Love (https://audrey.love) and Cabe Lindsay (https://cabelindsay.com)
Production: Arise Video Studio (https://arisevideo.com)

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