Cleopatra ask R.Meir.... about #resurrection

1 year ago

Why I love readi.g history?!?

here's a bit of something to look forward to in our future class......
Deuteronomy 32: “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.”

Blog post....

Queen Cleopatra asked Rabbi Meir a question. She said: I know that the dead will live, as it is written: “And may they blossom out of the city like grass of the earth” (Psalms 72:16). Just as grass grows, so too, the dead will come to life. But when they arise, will they arise naked or will they arise with their garments? Rabbi Meir said to her: It is derived a fortiori from wheat. If wheat, which is buried naked, meaning that the kernel is sown without the chaff, emerges with several garments of chaff, all the more so will the righteous, who are buried with their garments, arise with their garments.

with love,

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