This Video Is Destructive

1 year ago

The human species is unique in its ability to think and reason. It is this neurological defect that has enabled us to create and build civilizations, but it has also been the source of much destruction.

Thought is a protective mechanism. It draws boundaries around itself and creates a sense of security. It is for this reason that we draw lines on this planet and extend them as far as we can. We create borders and boundaries to protect ourselves from the unknown and the unfamiliar.

However, this same thought process can also be destructive. It can lead to fear and suspicion of the unfamiliar, and it can lead to conflict and violence. It can lead to the destruction of cultures and the exploitation of resources. It can lead to the destruction of the environment and the extinction of species.

Thought can also be used for good. It can be used to create solutions to problems, to develop new technologies, and to create a better world. It can be used to create a more equitable and just society.

The human species is unique in its ability to think and reason, and this neurological defect has enabled us to create and build civilizations. However, it is also the source of much destruction. We must be mindful of the power of thought and use it wisely. We must use it to create a better world, not to destroy it.

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