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#GenocideinGaza #CeaseFireNow
Israeli colonialism is based on ethnic cleansing and racism, and the Palestinians will not give up their land
Seventy-six years have passed since the largest systematic ethnic cleansing operation, carried out in the twentieth century by Israeli terrorist and criminal gangs, against the Palestinian people and existence, its land, cities and villages. This ongoing organized terrorist crime against the Palestinian Arab people represents a condemnation of all the colonial countries that have embraced and supported the Israeli movement, so that the Nakba of our Palestinian people and the occupation of its homeland cannot be separated from the historical contexts that preceded it, especially the agreement of the victorious colonial countries in the first World War on the division of the Arab Palestine through the so-called British Mandate instrument, which provided for the implementation of the Balfour Declaration, which gave the right to establish a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine, so that this embrace and support in all its political, economic, financial, military and technological forms did not cease... May all these countries, from Britain through the United States of America and all those who revolve in their orbit, including colonial, reactionary and printing powers, become partners with the enemy and its occupying state in aggression and war against the rights, aspirations and hopes of our Palestinian people and the Arab nation, in freedom, independence, self-determination, progress and unity.Seventy-four years of the war of cleansing, extermination and settlement, which is constantly expanding steadily in the territories of the West Bank, the Negev and the occupied Interior, our Palestinian people, along with all the free and honorable people from the masses of our Arab nation, have not met it except by upholding their full rights in their homeland, and inheriting this right for successive generations, and a well-known altruism; the dowry of his deep-rooted belonging to his land, rights and goals; the blood of his sons from the martyrs, the pain of his wounds, and the torments of his captives who record the most obedient pages of glory, glory and pottery Along the land of Palestine from Jerusalem to Jenin to the village of Sheikh munis to Gaza to mazira to Umm al-Fahm.. Wherever there is a Palestinian cub or an old man, and wherever there is a Palestinian flower or a Palestinian woman, they give our nation and all the free people of the world the good news of the coming victory, inevitably.The seventy-six years of the Nakba, and more than a century of conflict with the racist Israeli colonial project, that he cannot have any ability or willingness to concede or retreat from the essence of his project based on cleansing, extermination, settlement, abolition and plunder of rights and wealth, as well as his functional role in serving the imperialist Western project, which goes beyond targeting Palestine; people and land to the entire Arab nation, so all settlement or normalization agreements called the Abrahamic agreements, they are only the addition of new claws in the strength of the project The Zionist and his artificial state to pounce on the nation, its rights, wealth and common interests. Therefore, the natural response to all this fall, decay and betrayal is the continuation of the will of steadfastness, engagement and resistance embodied by our people and embodied by our nation, and everyone who stands with him and supports his steadfastness and resistance Daily, which in turn puts before us and before the national forces of our people a higher responsibility and rich and precious lessons that we must: First: Preserving the Palestinian historical narrative and the darkness to which our people have been subjected for more than a century, and confronting the continuous attempts to falsify history, Judaize the land, deny rights and stigmatize the struggle of our people with terrorism, by upholding our historical rights in the land of Palestine in full, and the right of refugees to return to it, considering this right as the core and the basis of the conflict with the enemy, and their right to full freedom and independence, which requires the "official Palestinian leadership" that signed the Oslo Accords and recognized the state of the Zionist entity, to withdraw this recognition, cancel these agreements, and implement the resolutions of the two councils if she is serious about what she announced, after an operation The cowardly Zionist assassination of the able Palestinian journalist Shirin Abu Akla, and I have already announced it many times before, otherwise she must bear the historical responsibility before our people, who will not be ruthless in letting him down and wasting his rights and national and militant gains.Secondly: despite the fact that our people have suffered great tragedies throughout the Occupation Period, which is still standing before them, they have not been deceived by the settlement agreements, illusions of peace and the promises of the printers, and rejected all of the above, by the continued resistance of their children generation after generation, begging for all its tools, and this confirms that our people's awareness of the nature the act is resistant and comprehensive.Third: Despite the state of division and its disastrous results, however, our people deliberately strengthened their national unity on the ground by constantly clashing with the enemy, and made Palestine and its flag with its four colors; a compass and an address for this unity, which requires us to strive to upgrade it, through the achievement of a truly pluralistic national unity, based on a comprehensive national strategy, preserving for dialogue and internal Palestinian agreement and an end to the conflict situation and the hateful and catastrophic division existing in the PA And on it.Fourth:: Since the beginning of its project on the land of Arab Palestine, the Zionist enemy has worked to untie the ties between Palestine and its Arab depth, and this is actually embodied by the Arab official regimes, by failing the Palestinian cause in the battles fought by the Palestinian people throughout the history of the conflict, up to the signing of settlement and normalization agreements with its trade unions and national and community institutions that resist the targeting of Arab rights, including rights Therefore, we renew the call for the establishment of a United Arab front to Resist Normalization and liquidation. Fifth: the Palestinian revolution, throughout its contemporary experience, included activists who joined its ranks from various parts of the world, including those who died as martyrs, prisoners or expelled, which confirmed and confirms the international, liberal and humanitarian character of the Palestinian cause, and this necessarily means intensifying work to build bridges of relationship and communication with the progressive world forces and parties and boycott movements of the enemy, supporting our Palestinian people and in solidarity with its national struggle and its right to freedom, return independence and self-determination. The need to unite all Palestinian and Arab efforts to counter the systematic practices and aggressions of the Israeli occupation as organized state terrorism, which it practices against the defenseless Palestinian people.It condemned the ongoing occupation crimes against the Palestinian people, the organized crime committed by the occupation, the field execution of Palestinian journalist Shirin Abu Akla and the subsequent brutal attacks targeting the body of the martyr and the mourners who flocked by tens of thousands to Occupied Jerusalem, where the Palestinian and Jerusalemite youth confronted this terrorist arrogance carried out by the army, police and intelligence units of the occupation in all its repressive formations..I would like to stress the importance of strengthening popular and mass Palestinian and Arab activities in the face of the occupation plans and projects, confronting normalization and continuing efforts to build a broad Arab front to confront all the normalization projects that the masses of our Arab nation and its active forces and parties have expressed their rejection and condemnation.Greetings to the struggling Palestinian people, who are going through the epic of steadfastness and resistance to this criminal occupation and its hostile policies, which always aim to impose their racist and fascist will in the face of an unarmed people fighting for their freedom, national dignity, their right to self-determination, the embodiment of the right of Return of refugees and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.And that Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state, which is a historical and inalienable right of the Palestinians as the eternal capital of their state, which will be established on their land by doing their struggle, their steadfastness and their determination to gain freedom and independence, and that the battle to defend Jerusalem requires effective and concrete Arab, Islamic and international positions to strengthen the steadfastness of its people and their confrontation with the chapters of the Nakba, which has been going on since 1948 .We salute the positions and struggles of the Palestinian people and the diaspora, which stand with Palestine and its cause and face normalization and Express on every occasion their rejection of this rush towards the occupation entity .: We have passed another year of the great national Nakba, during which our people made great sacrifices in the face of the fascist occupation and the system of racial discrimination that has never stopped invading the cities of the West have confirmed that what is hindering the development of our people's intifada and revolution is the backstabbing force exerted by the political leadership of the Palestinian Authority in disrupting the decisions of the National Council and the Central Council, disrupting the meetings of the executive committee, disrupting the organization of general elections, to rebuild the Palestinian political system, all in exchange for betting on the resumption of failed negotiations under the auspices of the United States.: One of the most important lessons of our great national calamity is the lack of leadership of our people and their valiant national resistance to organize their ranks, mobilize their forces, and provide them with struggle plans and tactics, in the face of an army prepared by the Zionist movement with its mechanisms and warplanes. Also, one of the most important of these lessons is the addiction of the leadership of the national movement to bet on supporting the Arab reactionary capitals, and betting on friendship with British colonialism, all of which are bets that led the Palestinian cause to what it led to. He warned against repeating the mistakes made by the Palestinian national movement during the Nakba, and called for uniting the leadership center of the popular resistance active since 2015, and to stop betting on the American role, and on negotiations that experience proves that they will not reach even the minimum rights of our people with the Israeli occupation.A call to action on what the meetings and conferences of the national consensus have drawn, to block the way to a new calamity that may lurk our people in light of the division and the disruption and paralysis of the national program:1) calling the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization to meet immediately to develop a binding executive mechanism to implement the decisions of the National Council and the Central Council.2) to stop the implementation of the transitional phase of the Oslo agreement, including the withdrawal of recognition of the state of Israel, the cessation of all forms of security coordination with the occupying power, the development of an executive plan to disengage from the "Paris economic protocol" and freedom from the restrictions of the unified customs cover.3) call for a comprehensive national dialogue in order to work on the formation of a national unity government, in order to rebuild government institutions between the Palestinian Bank and the Gaza Strip.At the same time, work on the formation of a new Central Council, inclusive of all, which will draw up plans for holding general elections, in cooperation with the government of national unity to rebuild the Legislative Council and the National Council for elections, where it was possible by the system of proportional representation, consensus where it is not possible, and the election of a president of the Palestinian Authority.4) to emphasize the adoption of the comprehensive popular resistance, by all means, in accordance with a unified national strategy, and with a unified leadership position, the way to defeat the occupation, dismantle the settlements, and stop betting on negotiations sponsored by the United States, or taking place outside the auspices of the United Nations and resolutions of international legitimacy..And; greetings to the martyrs of the Palestinian Nakba, the martyrs of our people and the last of them the Jerusalem star that shone in the sky of Palestine; the martyr Shirin Abu Akla, also wished healing for the wounded, freedom for the detaineesThat the Israeli military occupation continues to deny the rights of the Palestinian people and the principles of international law in a state of impotence and suspicious international silenceThe Nakba of Palestine, represented by the forced displacement suffered by the Palestinian people in 1948, at the hands of Israeli gangs, and this occasion passes as the Israeli occupation state continues to refuse to obey international legal and moral policies and treats itself as a state above international law.The Israeli military occupation's denial of all the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, in particular the right of Return of the Palestinian refugees, stipulated in United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 194 of 11 December 1948, and its denial of the right of the Palestinian people to political and economic self-determination, would not have been possible without the continuation of the conspiracy of silence by the international community and its various organizations towards the rights of the Palestinian people.The anniversary of the Nakba of the Palestinian people comes as the suffering of the Palestinian people and refugees increases, in light of the continued denial of their legitimate rights by the Israeli military occupation, amid an international state of silence that indicates the involvement of the international community in the plot to displace the Palestinian people and deny their rights.The anniversary of the Nakba this year is accompanied by the continuation and escalation of Israeli policies based on the implementation of the processes of displacement of Palestinian residents and the seizure of property and the demolition of their homes; the latest of which was the Israeli decision to displace more than (4000) Palestinian citizens from the residents of 12 villages in the area of Musafer Yatta south of the West Bank; as well as the construction of (3988) settlement units in the Occupied Palestinian territories, and the seizure of 22 thousand dunams of land the occupied city of Jerusalem.The anniversary of the Nakba coincides with the availability of hundreds of indicators of the Israeli occupation's deliberate, continued and persistent policy of racial discrimination and persecution against Palestinians, the continued confiscation of land and the expropriation of Palestinian property, the fragmentation of the unity of the Palestinian territories, the isolation and forced separation of the population in various Palestinian territories and the imposition of severe restrictions on freedom of movement and the use of land and resources, including the continuation of the siege of the Gaza Strip for more than 16 continuous years.Support the rights of the Palestinian people) as we remind the international community of the tragedy and suffering that the Palestinian people have experienced since 1948, where they live in a state of asylum, dispersion and permanent violation of human rights, and as we emphasize the right of the Palestinian people to return to their homes and restore their original property as a sacred historical right based on the principles of absolute right and justice before:: That the right of return and compensation is an inalienable right, bargaining, negotiation or referendum, and that it fundamentally contradicts all suspicious calls for settlement, displacement, integration, dissolution or compensation as an alternative to the right of return.PentaThe international community should quickly intervene immediately and urgently to force the Israeli occupation to stop its crimes committed against Palestinian civilians and their property in the Gaza Strip, and work to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for the war crimes it commits in full view of the international community and its organizations.: Calls on the international community not to sacrifice the principles of international law, by treating the issue of the Palestinian people as a rights issue ranked by international legitimacy, that is why the international community was required not to continue the conspiracy of silence by implementing what it was obliged to do in accordance with international law.It emphasizes the importance of providing international protection to Palestine refugees, by working to obtain a UN resolution granting the UNRWA the authority to protect refugees in addition to its traditional tasks; and providing an independent budget for it; in order to ensure that Palestinian refugees, wherever they are, benefit from the international protection provided by the International Convention for the protection of refugees.The Palestinian parties demand the importance of restoring national unity, reactivating the electoral process, which was stopped without real justification by a presidential decree, and rebuilding the Palestine Liberation Organization to ensure its ability to respond to all the current challenges facing the Palestinian cause.The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs urges to attach particular importance to ensuring the activation of the role of Palestinian embassies around the world, in a way that enhances its diplomatic moves to win the rights of the Palestinian people, provided that this is within the framework of a clearly defined national strategy, and not only on a seasonal or partisan basis.To continue the March of struggle, resistance and intifada and to strengthen the unity of our people in the face of the crimes committed by the occupation, the latest of which is the murder of the martyr Shirin Abu aqleh, who in her life and martyrdom increased the presence of the Palestinian cause on the Arab and international arenas and to counter the aggression of the occupation and the policies of annexation, settlement, Judaization, land confiscation and attempts to Judaize Jerusalem, and to strengthen the struggle and confrontation in order to preserve its Arab identity with its Islamic and Christian shrines, and to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip.The front called for strengthening all forms of struggle and upholding the right of our people to resist in all its forms against the occupation, strengthening national unity among all categories of our people and their living forces in the face of the enemy's plans and actions, plans and projects that aim to undermine the Palestinian cause, such as the "economic peace" project or other liquidation projects, and considering national unity based on a political program that adopts the approach of resistance and intifada is the only form to thwart these plans and end the occupation and achieve freedom and return .It called on the Palestinian Authority to break its link with the enemy and the political, economic and security boycott, to stop security coordination with him, and to release the freedom of our people to escalate confrontation and resistance at all points of contact and friction with the occupation, rejecting its actions at the crossings and restrictions in cities and villages, and to confront these actions that collide with the national and historical rights of our people and contrary to all international laws, customs and charters.: That the 76th anniversary of the Nakba comes and our people are in a mood of overwhelming national awakening and are more determined to continue their just struggle and valiant resistance and confront and reject the positions, policies and plans of the American administration, which is a partner of the occupation in its ongoing aggression and crimes against our people and try to liquidate our cause and our rights through deceptive projects aimed at imposing the fait accompli and surrender to the enemy and his plans.And call on the leadership of the PA and the PLO to renounce all illusions and bets on the restoration of the so-called political track and absurd negotiations, cancel all agreements and treaties with the enemy, especially the Oslo Accords and its annexes and the Paris Economic Agreement, and begin concrete and practical steps to return to commitment to our people's National choices in resisting and confronting the occupation and working with all the forces of our people to launch the third Palestinian intifada . Where the heroes of our youth and the Resistance Factions proved their ability to deal painful blows to the enemy, humiliate the occupation, confuse it and thwart its plans, as happened in the Battle of the sword of Jerusalem last year, the gifts of Jerusalem, the valiant resistance in Jenin and the heroic operations in Tel Aviv, the Negev, khadira, Beita, Jabal Sabieh and all the cities, villages and camps of the West Bank .The statement called on all factions and forces to work hard with national responsibility, away from the manifestations of authority and organizational fanaticism, to end the destructive internal division, work to rebuild the Palestine Liberation Organization on national bases with the participation of all as a Supreme reference for our people, build correct national relations to strengthen the state of comprehensive national steadfastness, and fortify our people in the face of all challenges and plans aimed at our cause and the national and historical rights of our people .Greetings to the martyrs, prisoners and detainees and called for the activation and continuation of activities and work by all means to release prisoners and detainees from Israeli occupation prisons......
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