[세비라] "소련이 무기를 줘서 이스라엘을 살렸다." (D. Ben-Gurion)

1 year ago

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# Rumble 유튜브 보완 채널. ‘Hangsik’
# Telegram 영상보관소. ‘자주인라디오’

-Ben-Zohar M. (1978), De Ben-Gourion, USA: Delacorte
-Leon A. (1950), The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation Ch. 7, Mexico: Ediciones Pioneras, https://www.marxists.org/
-‘Against Partition!’, Revolutionary Communist League, Kol Ham’amad-The Voice of the Class 31, Sep. 1947. http://www.marxists.de/
-Cloots A. (1795), La République universelle, ou Adresse aux tyrannicides, France: chez les marchands de nouveautés
-‘Antisemitism in the Russian Empire’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
-‘The Persecution of the Jews in Russia: Report of the Public Meeting at the Mansion House’, Jewish Chronicle, Feb 3rd, 1882. London, https://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/
-‘Elihu Root’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
-Karl Minter, ‘Whither Zionism? Whither Jewry?’, The New International 9/4, (No. 74), April 1943, https://www.marxists.org/
-Joshep Stalin (1913), ‘Marxism and the National Question’, https://www.marxists.org/
-Leon Trotsky (1937), ‘Thermidor and Anti-Semitism’, The New International 7/4, 1941. https://www.marxists.org/
-Rucker, L. (2001). Staline, Israël et les Juifs. France: PUF
-Kramer A. (1973), ‘Soviet Policy on Palestine. 1947-1948’, Journal of Palestine Studies 2/2,
-‘Statement by the Soviet Representative at the United Nations (Gromyko)’, Foreign Relations of the United States, The Near East and Africa V. 5, Document 765, Office of the Historian, Foreign Service Institute, United States Department of State
- ‘Why did the USSR help to create Israel, but then became its foe’, Russia Beyond, Dec. 15 2017
- ‘Quand l’Union soviétique parrainait Israël‘, Le Monde diplomatique, Sep. 2014
-La section palestinienne de la Quatrième Internationale, ‘Contre la Partition ! – Déclaration de la Ligue communiste révolutionnaire’, https://www.marxists.org/
- ‘Killing the Count’, Al Jazeera English, https://www.aljazeera.com/program/
- ‘Quand Staline soutenait Israël et réprimait les juifs’, Orient XXI, Apr. 9 2021. https://orientxxi.info/

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