Friedrich Nietzsche: Exit out of the Labyrinth

1 year ago

This video was a long time coming but here we are with a solar eclipse Oct 14th that conjuncts the solar return chart of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. So his message to us is timely for the turbulence of 2023. That much is clear. This is a turning point moment in 2023 and we need to be more metaphysical. He was a true Libran inspired by art, who loved to communicate and is a lot more influential that many give him credit for.

I first noted his Saturn was at 0° of Aquarius back in 2020 on the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on the winter solstice which I find hugely interesting. I think he is totally relevant for 2023 and it's time to go back to what he said in his books, as many are already doing, and read it all afresh. He wanted to Reevaluate all Values, which he set out to do and seems to be what we in 2023 need to do before all is lost.

It is in 8 parts so take your time to work through them and return to it if needed.

Friedrich Nietzsche: The Exit out of the Labyrinth.

0:00 Introduction

0:28 Nietzsche: Behold the Man

5:37 Nietzsche and the Kaleidoscope of ideas.

8:14 The Zero Degree of Aquarius

15:05 Style and Substance: The Epigrammatic Nietzsche

19:06 Nietzsche: the Psychologist.

22:07 Love Hurts: The Eros-Chiron connection

32:19 Nietzsche’s Asteroids and Dwarf planets

36:12 Nietzsche: The Legacy

The Written version on the website is here:
© Kieron Devlin, Proteus Astrology, October 14th, 2023, All Rights Reserved.

Apologies for any kinks, and background noise- every attempt was made to iron it out.

Images from Wikimedia Commons. Stock Images, and in the Public Domain and Fair Use.

Music credit Permafrost by Scott Buckley |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0

Goddard, G. (1998) ‘The Eternal Return of Friedrich Nietzsche: An Astrological Portrait.’ Island (Online)

Greene, L. (2023) Chiron in Love; The Astrology of Envy, Rage, Compassion and Wisdom. Bournemouth. Wessex Astrologer.

Nietzsche, F. (1967) The Birth of Tragedy and the Case of Wagner. trans Walter Kauffmann, LondonL:Penguin. Vintage edition.

Robbins, M. D. (2023 ) ‘Friedrich Nietzsche: Philosopher ‘ Esoteric Astrologer .org (Online)

Taffel, D. (2003) Nietzsche Unbound: The Struggle for Spirit in the Age of Science. St Paul. Paragon House.

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