Russell Brand: a channel for God's Peace?

1 year ago

There are some majorly puffed-up "luminaries" on the scene these days, popularity and praise goes right to their ever expanding heads - sending them completely loopy. Most people don't realise the twisted spiritual dynamics of our fallen earth: anyone who receives FAME and FORTUNE under the terms of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) then spouts sensual, material centred spirituality is profoundly deceived. Bloated with celebrity status they become paragons of deception, while folks who're IN THE TRUTH hardly get noticed. For all the obsession with truth, actual TRUTH is either ignored or vehemently mocked and/or spat upon.

Celebrities are generally up their own ass and Russ is a paragon of that iniquity; he's among a wide array of modern truth inverters and scriptural bastardisers obliviously going with the flow of ancient spiritual subversion turned new age (or neo-vedantic) luciferianism. I've heard Russell talk about discipleship and faith but - like any unwitting inverter - he's deeply ignorant about TRUE FAITH or where it should be directed... He talks about believing in GOD without knowing who GOD is. He speaks of Jesus without knowing who HE is. The truth is he doesn't know the truth because he doesn't know the REAL Jesus, only a fantasy Jesus: one that accepts his puffed-up demeanor.

Russ prefers heeding (actual) reality denying ignoramuses such as Eckhart Tolle and ridiculous goons such as the "Dalai Lama." I've as much regard for the them as for the Pope (none whatsover). Russell ignores the truth and listens intently to perfidious gurus, Wim Hoff and Deepak Chopra.

Russ' many garish tattoos depict disparate religious iconography reflective of his new age attitude: picking and choosing what he wants to believe: stuff from here or there, anything that conveniently accomodates his lofty lifestyle and allows him to feel comfortable in blithe continuation of SIN without guilt or fear of judgement; but spiritualities that conform to privileged lifestyles are grand fallacies.

No matter how well read or spiritual anyone seems we should look into their history to better understand where they're at. I've seen pics of Russ' early years in comedy, one time he wore a black suit arrayed with many inverted crucifixes (!)

Russ always looked rather Luciferic: it's in his genes. He's of luciferian stock. It's almost impossible to reach such ones - who possess the wealth of the world and follow their OWN TRUTH, harbouring ideas of Jesus completely estranged from THE truth. They believe their own works, social standing and "success" give them carte blanche to preach whatever they like on their terms. They certainly don't consider themselves sinners before a HOLY GOD - the deceptive serpent power courses too strongly through their meridians.

They NEED to come to truth QUICK SMART because the world is a lie and a FARCE and their souls are in terrible peril. Holy Spirit doesn't ingratiate or conform to our lifestyles, WE must conform to SPIRIT. But Russ channels the oversoul operating behind this crazy world: the spirit of rebellion (1 Samuel 15:23). He's too far gone in popular self-exaltation to cognize the entirely OTHERS centred nature and SAVING GRACE of the true GOD expressing through the living Yahusha/Jesus Christ.

A few years ago Russell was on a mission to help people "unfu*k" (his words) from their addictions. But the irony is he still needs unfuc*ing at a deep psychic level: the ONLY way to truly unfu*k ourselves is by the the Grace of the Holy Spirit - the only genuine unfuc*er. But Alas! Russell's a rank sensualist who's given his heart and soul to highly deceptive fallen angels posing as hindu gods, and he pushes kundalini yoga on youtube. By the Light of Spirit Kundalini is intrinsically duplicitous and an insult to the Divine. It's totally Genesis 3 and shouldn't be partaken of AT ALL. The serpent is a liar. It lies to our souls and Russell's witlessly helping spread the lies. Jesus said we must be BORN AGAIN OF SPIRIT to see the Kingdom of God (John 3)

A Russell Brand/David Icke style kundalini powered "spiritual" revolution won't release mankind from serious quantum entanglement because "truthers" and their leaders are spiritually BLIND. They see the darkness all too clearly but fail to SEE THE LIGHT (John 8:12). Any seriously mounted uprising against the system will play to the Esoteric Powers that Be and could be a catalyst for the emergence of Antichrist.

As prophesied Jesus will Return as a terrifying or AWESOME (depending on your allegiance) Conquering KING, with Fire in His Eyes and a blood stained Robe: coming not to bring Peace (that comes later) but a SWORD and with it He DIVIDES the world: the wheat from the tares, the goats from the sheep. There'll be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Don't be one of the sad crowd of *Matthew 25:31-41*

Accept Jesus NOW.

Awakening to Jesus' SAVING GRACE is the true Great Awakening.

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