TEST- AtmosFEARfx Witching Hour with homemade 3DFX form 2015

9 years ago

Test run of my new AtmosFEARfx video Witching Hour for Halloween 2015. This video was shot around noon on a sunny day in my office with the blinds closed. Not nearly as dark as it will be outside on Halloween! (read more by clicking on "Show More"...)

I made the form from a dressform with a styrofoam head attached to the neck with masking tape. I cut up 2 wire hangers and bent them into arm shapes, taping them to the back of the form in order to give the form more substance. That's a duvet cover on top of it all.

Extra fabric is pulled into the back and taped so that the front looks more smooth. I'm still tweaking it, but happy with the results so far!

This projector is 120 lumens. Video files were put together using Adobe Premiere Pro, and saved to a thumb drive. The thumb drive plugs right into the projector. Additional speakers will be added, because the projector speakers suck!

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