Willrow Hood Pimped Out Ice Cream Maker Prop #starwars #savetherebellion #icecreamguy

5 years ago

Save the Rebellion! Save the ice cream!

I've finally completed my ice cream maker prop for my Willrow Hood character! Everything has been painted white, and it's now good to go. While not necessary for Rebel Legion approval, I added a bit of bling to it. Because everyone loves stuff that glows.

I bought some color changing LED pucks that are operated with three AAA batteries each and controlled with a remote. Here is where I bought mine: https://amzn.to/3Bxymko

There is one in the top compartment, and one in the bottom container. The pucks are secured to their compartments with some industrial-strength Velcro. Now when I run with the Hoods, my ice cream maker will really stand out!

BACKGROUND: The ice cream maker is a necessary prop for the much loved Willrow Hood character as seen in Empire Strikes Back. He is affectionately known as "The Ice Cream Guy". His brief appearance (and I mean BRIEF, in like, he's in the movie for about 1.5 seconds) is notable due to the fact that he is seen fleeing Cloud City carrying what was discovered to be a vintage Dolly Madison style of ice cream maker.

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