...smoking and human sacrifice?

1 year ago

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...smoking and human sacrifice?

10.52 israel attacks
11.27 israel. Attacked
12.22 israel. black in Israel
13.01 israel. BREAKING New York Police just ARRESTED HUNDREDS of liberal Americans protesting against Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza.
13.14 israel. demo uk
13.23 israel. did what
16.06 israel. free palistine
17.43 israel. Jesus
18.25 israel. jew speakes the trut
28.25 israel. jews against Israel
29.18 israel. kids blown up
30.29 israel. palistine has a right
31.36 israel. propaganda machine
35.21 israel. Support
25.56 israel. the truth
37.13 israel. turkey demo
37.55 israel. uk demo
39.25 israel. up yours gov
42.15 f e balloon a lights
43.45 f e nasa under water
44.02 f e seasons
46.46 f e world gov hiding more land
48.16 CBS report on using lasers to manipulate weather
51.03 chemtrails no conspiracy

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...smoking and human sacrifice?

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