Dad Still Ventilated with Tracheostomy After 5 Weeks in ICU, Now He’s Confused & Agitated,What Next?

1 year ago

Dad’s still ventilated with tracheostomy after 5 weeks in ICU, now he’s confused and agitated, what should we do?

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVECAREHOTLINE.COM where we instantly improve the lives for Families of critically ill Patients in Intensive Care, so that you can make informed decisions, have PEACE OF MIND, real power, real control and so that you can influence decision making fast, even if you’re not a doctor or a nurse in Intensive Care!

This is another episode of “YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED“ and in last week’s episode I answered another question from one of my clients and the question in the last episode was

Dad developed a Pneumonia and now needs to be ventilated again, what should we do to make sure he keeps improving?

You can check out last week’s episode by clicking on the link here.

In this week’s episode of “YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED“, I want to continue answering the next questions regarding James’ and Christine’s Dad in ICU who’s had a haemorrhagic stroke.

James’ and Christine’s Dad had a brain decompression where they evacuated a large bleed from his brain after the haemorrhagic stroke. And their Dad also underwent a craniectomy (removal of skull) to decrease the brain pressures after the bleed.

James’ and his sister Christine were getting their Dad in one of the best hospitals in the USA, the Cleveland clinic in Ohio.

In the meantime, their Dad was getting a tracheostomy because he couldn’t be weaned off the ventilator and the breathing tube. He also had a PEG tube for feeding inserted.

He also had ongoing seizures due to the stroke and his anti-seizure medications needed to be optimized so he could “wake up” and progress to Neurology Rehabilitation.

In today’s 1:1 consulting and advocacy sessions with James and his sister Christine, we look at some setbacks their Dad is going through.

He had to be put back on the ventilator due to a Pneumonia and he also ended up with a central line (CVC) and arterial line again.

So in today’s episode of “YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED”, I answer a series of questions from James and his sister Christine again that are excerpts from various 1:1 phone/email consulting and advocacy session with me and the topic this week is

Dad’s still ventilated with tracheostomy after 5 weeks in ICU, now he’s confused and agitated, what should we do?

You can also read or watch previous episodes of 1:1 consulting and advocacy with James and his sister Christine here


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