(27) The Anthem of Victory

1 year ago

Chapter 27: The Anthem of Victory

I saw the Victor seated in his Eternal Throne surrounded by 24 elders. The 24 elders each held a harp and a gold bowl filled with rising smoke. The 24 elders chanted an “Anthem of Victory” in the presence of countless angels surrounding the throne.

“We are the Sons of Seth, the Sons of Adam,

We are Children of The Most High,

And this is our battle cry,

In the Victor of the Eternal Throne we boast: VICTORY!

We are more than conquerors through the Victor,

Our weapons of war are truth and love,

We stand our ground, we persevere to the end,

With Belt of Truth, we conquer all fear,

With Righteous Heart; we conquer evil with love,

With Shield of Faith, we advance!, quenching the Enemy’s darts of distraction,

With Helmet of Salvation, we are immortal,

We attack with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of the Creator,

With Good News of Peace at the ready, we conquer minds and hearts.

To whom did The Most High say “sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your foot-stool?”

In the Victor of the Eternal Throne we boast: VICTORY!

You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals,

You conquered death, and purchased for us eternal life,

By Your blood, You paid the penalty of sin and death,

You purchased people from every nation, tribe, and tongue,

For You are Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Emanuel,

Fully human, one with the Creator, our true mediator, redeemer, and Victor,

We bow before you Victor; we lay our crowns at your feet,

We will serve you and worship you as Kings and Priests upon the Earth,

Worthy is the Victor who was slain to receive honor, power, riches, and glory: FOREVER! “

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