1 year ago

The FED wants you back in your cage

For a normal functioning society, slaves are REQUIRED.

I’ve messaged every single one of you on my email list nearly EVERY DAY about the giant wealth creation of 2020 and 2021. When they printed TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from thin air.

Some of you listened and are currently laughing with the rest of THE WAR ROOM.

Others caught a glimpse of life-changing money, quit their job and just need to win a few more times.

I want you to understand something.

I already warned you on January 1st, 2022.

But I’m going to repeat myself.

Easy mode is over.

The Federal Reserve made you a bit richer and they are on a WAR PATH to make you poor.

They fucked up,

Too many slaves were escaping.

The Fed opened your cage with unprecedented economic policy.

But now?

We are back to standard operating procedure.

The FED is here to destroy you.

And without my help, you’ll be going back to work by the end of 2022.

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