(19) The Foundations of an Eternal Society

11 months ago

Chapter 19: The Foundations of an Eternal Society

In an eternal society, standard safeguards and standard structures have to be put in place for the safety and sanity of the society.

If you were to have fluctuating structures, codes, and rules, you would lose your ability to navigate and maneuver through the society. You might have the ability to teleport outside of people’s residences via thought, but you wouldn’t want to be able to teleport inside of people’s residences because it would be annoying, violate the privacy of the people, and violate the sanity of the people.

In an eternal society there must be a standard bodily structure and means of identification.

If you were able to shapeshift without restriction, you would lose your identity and the ability to recognize other people in society. People may be able to dress however they want in their own residences, but there may be a dress code outside of residences in the society.

In an eternal society, there must be a standard language or set of languages used for communication.

If you were to develop more complex languages and condensed forms of communication, you would lose your ability to communicate with other people in society.

In an eternal society, technology must be regulated to prevent the safety of the society from being compromised.

If you were to create dangerous technology that self-replicates or causes chain reactions, you might lose control of that technology, and it could create a catastrophic system failure for the society.

In an eternal society, there must be a gathering place and standard calendar to coordinate shared events for the society.

If you were to never interact with all people in the one unified eternal society, you might as well break into multiple hermit eternal societies.

In an eternal society, the Creator must be the benevolent dictator of the society. The best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. The problem with earthly benevolent dictatorships is that the dictator dies and is replaced by a less-benevolent dictator. In an eternal society, the benevolent dictator is never replaced by a less benevolent dictator. Only the Creator would have the authority and power to rule the eternal society. Anyone would be a tyrant who tries to use power and force to overtake the throne, and they would never have the authority to maintain the throne. Without the authority to rule, there were be constant power struggles and coup attempts each time a powerful person tries to overtake the throne. The entire society might even be in a matrix virtual reality environment with the Creator outside it, so that it is logistically impossible for a coup against the Creator to succeed. The Creator would “pull the plug” and reset the system in the event of coup attempt or catastrophic system failure. However, there may be some difficulties saving the people from a corrupted system before the system is reset. A coup attempt against the Creator could only take the form of a vindictive suicide, which would be an attempt to corrupt and destroy as many people in the society as possible just to spite the Creator.

Each person would have an eternal body, with a fixed bodily structure, and optional auxiliary detachable appendages (i.e. wings, fins, tails, other specialized garments and jewelry). However, the people in the society should have access to a matrix virtual reality simulation device that can be used to run separate or shared simulations and games about other exotic realities like shapeshifting, multiple dimensions, and spatial-temporal manipulations. Everything that could be dangerous to the safety and sanity of the society can be simulated in a matrix virtual reality environment that is isolated separate from the systems of the society so that any catastrophic system failure can be contained.

Each person would have an immortal body with a brain that is able to store, easily process, and access an infinite amount of memories. The functionality of the immortal body and brain should improve exponentially such that each day is twice as good as the day before. In this way there is constant improvement, and the future always seems hopeful and optimistic since tomorrow will always be twice as good as today. The people in the eternal society would be able to optionally communicate with selected persons by a form of mental telepathy.

There should be shapeshifting-texture-color-changing material that can be used to create things via thought. The ability to scan and record a virtual copy of any object into the matrix virtual reality simulation. The ability to code, program, and execute matrix virtual reality simulations. The ability to replicate common household products from the matrix virtual reality simulations (with regulations to prevent dangerous technology from being replicated).

The people in an eternal society may have special jewelry and robes that only they can wear in public signifying victories they had in their temporal lives (similar to how military officers have uniforms with patches and badges that indicate rank and triumphs). People in the society may be able to choose to wear optional special glasses that create an augmented reality where they can see avatars people design for their augmented appearance in public. The augmented reality may also display signs and other information that may be tacky and annoying to actually post.

In an eternal society, people will have eternal status based on their choices in their temporal lives. Entry into the eternal society is based on the Creator’s grace alone, but eternal rewards, eternal property, and eternal status may be based on the people’s choices, works, and motives in their temporal lives. Those who sat in the lowest positions in their temporal lives may be moved up to sit at the higher positions in the eternal society. In an eternal society, those with higher eternal status will be in closer proximity to the Creator. The immortal bodies will respond with a special loving intimate connection to the light that is emitted from the Creator. The light emitted from the Creator will transmit information that stimulates the people physically, emotionally, and intellectually. The immortal bodies will be able to detect the presence of the Creator in an intimate way that will feel stronger when the Creator is in closer proximity. Those with the highest eternal status will dwell in the House of the Creator. Only the Creator is able to create a soul, which is capable of feeling emotions and sensations. Those with higher eternal status may own residential properties that are larger or in closer proximity to the Creator. Those with higher eternal status may have a form of eternal wealth that allows them to be responsible for having authority over more souls. Those souls with lower eternal status may agree to a contract to be under the authority and live on the property of those with higher eternal status. The Creator is greater than any created being. The Creator is greater than the sum of all the created beings. The Creator will have a special intimate relationship with every person in the eternal Society. The Creator will have enhanced proximity, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, and gifts reserved for those people with higher eternal status.

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