(12) Childhood Lessons

11 months ago

Chapter 12: Childhood Lessons

I remember when I was a child, I used to play all kinds of games. Some games were taught to me, and some games were made up using my imagination. When children grow up to be adults, they start using their imagination less and less for better or for worse. As an adult it occurs to me that these childhood games may have served a practical purpose teaching children skills. For example the game “hide and seek” would train children to be able to hide from danger. In the game, all the children would hide and one person would try to find them. This game may have trained children to be able to hide when armed soldiers or other dangerous men may have been searching through houses at some point in History. During World War II, the Jewish people may have needed to hide when the Nazis would come searching for them. If there were people in a home sheltering Jews, and the Nazis would ask them if they were hiding any Jews, the people would obviously lie and say “No”. This would obviously be a lie and active deception. Is all deception evil and wrong or is there ever a time when deception is permissible? After some thought, I came to the conclusion that the only time it is permissible to lie and conduct active deception is when you are under duress. When armed men show up at your house and your rights are taken away, you are obviously under duress. When your life or the lives of others is threatened, you are obviously under duress. However, it is never permissible to lie under oath by committing perjury in a court or to perform a false oath to the Creator. It is better to remain silent than to commit perjury in a court. If you are going to accuse someone else in court and need to commit perjury to change the story to leave out the things that are incriminating to yourself, you are the criminal if you commit perjury. If you throw stones at other people when you do not have the authority to do so, you are only condemning yourself.

When I was in grammar school, I used to play games with the children at recess. I will never forget the one time a little boy was very devious and blatantly cheated at the game. He knew he would get reprimanded if I told one of the adults, so he went directly to the adults and told them that I had cheated and the adults reprimanded me.

I will never forget this because it taught me about how immoral people operate. When they commit a crime, they blame it one someone else as a red-herring. Often it is the victim that gets pegged as the scapegoat. If no one teaches the children morality, right from wrong, they just become more clever devils when they become adults. As they get older, they just develop more sophisticated and clever ways of lying and deceiving people for their own selfish advantage. They develop more sophisticated and clever ways of covering up their crimes and blaming them on other people. They learn to say blatant lies with bold confidence knowing that the authorities don’t have the fortitude to challenge them.

One of my earliest memories is when I got chickenpox. The chickenpox are red, itchy, and annoying, but they don’t kill you and don’t cause any irreparable damage. My mother purposely had me play with another child who had chickenpox so that I would contract the virus and get it over with. It always seemed foolish to get vaccinated against something that won’t kill you or cause irreparable damage. It is better to just take your chances and get it over with. It seemed only wise to get vaccinated against the diseases that could kill you or cause irreparable damage. The same seems true to me for insurance. It seems foolish to get insurance for something you could easily pay. It only seems wise to get insurance for something that would financially devastate or bankrupt you. Otherwise you would just be giving all your money away for things that might not ever happen, and if they did, you would have been able to deal with it without the insurance. Sometimes it is the accumulation of a bunch of unnecessary preemptive measures that is the thing making people sick and penniless. I do not see why healthy people would ever need to get the influenza shot. If the influenza is not going to kill me or cause irreparable damage, I would rather take my chances and get the flu every once in a while. It is profitable for the insurance companies to sell you insurance you do not need for things that you could have paid for if they happened. It is profitable for the medical industry to sell you preemptive products for things you do not need that would not kill you and would not cause irreparable damage if they happened. The best preemptive insurance is to have a large savings account that is not depleted by having all your money going toward a bunch of unnecessary insurance for things that you could have paid if you had a large savings account. The best preemptive medicine is clean water, nutritious food that is organic and not genetically modified, and smoke free air filtered by lots of indoor and outdoor plants.

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