(10) The Antebellum Heralds

11 months ago

Chapter 10: The Antebellum Heralds

We were the witnesses and heralds when the foundation of the Earth was laid by the Creator. We saw the Creator stretch out the gravitational fabric of the heavens like a curtain and spread it out like a tent for the wandering stars to dwell in. We blew our trumpets and announced when the mass of the Earth was to be sunk into the gravitational base and its geodesic course set in place. We saw its cornerstone laid, which is the one who is a glowing sun. We sang together as morning stars when we saw its measurements set.

“Measure around the planet and divide by four,

Equator to a pole along spheres of the earth,

Thus the girth of ten million meters is defined,

Each refined copy measures this fractional worth,

Relate span to this standard and gauge equal score,

So for more flair do teach this standard to mankind.”

From a higher dimension in the firmament, we peered down upon the inhabitants of the Earth as if they were grasshoppers. The Creator showed us the cross-sectional blue-prints where the sphere of the Earth appeared flat to show the extra dimensions of the firmament. In the Creator’s cross-sectional blue prints, He sat in the firmament enthroned above the circle of the Earth. We were schooled in the Creator’s plans to bind the chains of the Pleiades and loose the cords of Orion. We saw the Creator command the morning to arise as the Earth began to spin and its axis was tilted to cause the dawn to know its place. We conducted all the Sons of the Creator to shout for joy as the first Earth cycle was spun.

“Slice earth days into hours for a double dozen,

Envision each rotating sphere as the day clock,

Cut the hours to minutes in sixty equal parts,

On each starts the sixty second human time block.

Now to flock this standard count each earth cycle spun,

Di dozen of a sixty squared seconds lay done.”

We complied with the Creator’s plan to set four angelic outposts around the Earth each operated by its own angel. As a merely a jest of wit, these outposts were named the “four corners of the earth”. These outposts were to govern the four major global current circulations, one around the Northern Atlantic Ocean, one around the Southern Atlantic Ocean, one around the Northern Pacific Ocean, and around the Southern Pacific Ocean. These four current circulations were named the “four winds of the Earth”. We knew the Earth was round and never said it was flat; we were not the ones who purposely choose to misinterpret the Creator’s words to darken the counsel of men by words without knowledge. Once the temporal war began, some departed from us, but continued to masquerade as us to malign us. Truth was the first casualty in the temporal war. All of the temporal war is based on deception. The Enemy attempts to malign us and deceive the Creator’s children. The Victor uses ambiguous figurative language to let the Enemy deceive himself. The Victor keeps the Creator’s plans veiled in parables, so that seeing they will not see, hearing they will not understand.

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