(7) The Ban on Time-Travel

1 year ago

Chapter 7: The Ban on Time-Travel

The Creator has put a seal banning time-travel in the classical sense. There are several reasons for this. The first reason is that there are a multitude of human souls and animal souls coupled in the same system. If time-travel were possible, those human souls and animal souls would need to un-experience everything they have consciously experienced. Time-travel in the classical sense with many souls coupled within the same system would invalidate everything the other souls experience as not being real. Robots and automatons are natural and merely able to calculate. They don’t feel emotion or sensations. The emotion and sensations that a human soul or animal soul consciously experience are supernatural. Since the souls are supernatural, time-travel in the classical sense would require supernatural power to replace a soul with a different soul that had experienced the different timeline. A human or animal soul cannot have its conscious experiences deleted and re-written without destroying the soul and replacing it with a different soul that had the separate set of alternate conscious experiences.

I always found it humorous in movies when the human souls bidding a time-traveler farewell pretend like they are going to see that time-traveler again. If the time-traveler changes the past and destroys your soul, you are not going to be the soul who sees that time-traveler again (it will be some other soul that replaces yours that will experience the “reunion”). If the time-traveler switches to a different time-line with different souls on it, the souls in the original time-line will still never see the time-traveler back again in the original time-line; it will be just like the time-traveler was annihilated on the original time-line and there would be doppelgangers on the new time-line. Time-travel would be a one-way trip that forever tears the souls into different dimensions where they are never to return from.

Time-travel would only be possible in a system with only one human soul where everything else was just computers, calculating robots, automatons, or a virtual reality vision. Therefore a person could be shown a vision of a potential future (so it would seem like they time-traveled back to the present when the vision ends). All the people and animals in the vision would be fake in the sense that they didn’t have any souls and didn’t actually experience the vision. All the bonds of companionship with people and animals in the vision would be in vain since the fake people and fake animals in the vision didn’t have souls to actually feel any emotion or sensations. The fake people and fake animals would be merely a convincing interactive calculator responding to inputs. If one human soul was in a system with just robots and automatons, it would seem like the person had time-traveled if the system was naturally reconstructed to an earlier state. A computer can have a “time-travel program” that will save the data in the computer as it is at one state and then later erase all the data that happened afterward (reverting it back to the saved state).

Time-travel is banned in the classical sense is because it destroys all evidence of the character of a soul and replaces it with a different character. The Creator wants to preserve the reality of souls. How could the Creator identify a soul as being unique and indivisible if it was constantly being destroyed and replaced with different souls with a different character? It would make the system of coupled souls a crazy system that would be impossible to evaluate individual choices (since any choice is subject to change). Such a crazy system of fluctuating choices could only be evaluated at its completion and individual choices would be futile. If time-travel was used to change people’s choices, then human souls would correctly argue that their free-will had been violated.

If the Creator wanted to violate our free-will, He could take the universe at any state in time and change any choice (or any event) and watch the alterations to the causes and effects for that event ripple backward and forward in time retroactively changing all evidence that any modification to the event had ever been made. There would be no evidence that the Creator had made such a supernatural alteration to one universe to create a different universe. The alteration to the event would be grafted in a seamless way so that there was no natural evidence that there had been a modification. The Creator can perform any miracle without there being any evidence of a violation of the natural law. Such a seamless graft would only change the fundamental conditions (not the natural laws themselves).

Time-travel in the classical sense would be like a corrupt court system that electronically retroactively changed the dates of court hearings (claiming that no one showed up at the court hearing) when there was given neither notice nor the opportunity to attend the court hearing. It would be like a corrupt judge who allows the true facts to be replaced with false perjury in court documents (and then tweaks the documents to make everything look consistent with a court of integrity) to help the criminals frame the victim for their crimes (and then the corrupt judge recuses himself from the case afterward).

Time-travel is banned in the classical sense in that it is impossible to change choices that have already been made. However, information about the past and potential future can be retrieved in the present. This information can be used to inform choices made in the present for better or for worse like a crystal ball that only shows you the half-truth you want to see but fails to show you the other side of the truth you find inconvenient and don’t want to face until it is too late.

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