Felblood Elves: Warcraft 3 Custom Faction/Altered Melee Showcase

10 months ago

The Felblood Elves are blood elves and Kael'thas Sunstriders loyal followers. who have succumbed to the allure of Fel Magic, the demonic magic of the Burning Legion, mana is like a drug to them. Their unique abilities is Fel Fervor which can increase the abilities of units, Their units also instantly have access to their spells and don't require Adept and Master training to unlock it and can unlock upgrades in lieu of this training. They also regenerate mana very slowly and require special units to regenerate mana faster. Their healing is also done through the Neophyte unit.

Disclaimer: Due to the defensive tower being named after a common structure of religious signifigance to muslims, they won't be built to avoid being offensive.

Units include: Journeyman which is the unit that builds and gathers wood, Initate which is a basic warrior unit that can give units Fel Fervor, Neophyte (support unit that can heal other units using up her own HP or sacrifice herself for a permanent unit buff), Subjugated Doomguard (provides Population cap), Falconeer (long ranged attacker, can learn Chaotic Volley to boost attack rate by 30%), Vanguard (melee unit that can return a portion of melee damage given to it back to the enemy), Occultist (anti-air specialist that can deal area damage against air units), Bloodwarder (support spellcaster), Cabalist (offensive spellcaster), Demonologist (summons fel units), Reclaimer (flying spellcaster). The Volary gives us the Reconnoiterer and the Siphoner flying units. The Studio of Atrocities gives us some unit upgrades and the Eradicator, a siege unit that can switch to a anti-air configuration that grants units Fel Fervor.

Heroes include: Reaver (specializes in ambushes with the ability to teleport into battle which stuns units from the cast point and throwing a toxic knife that can damage and greatly slow a unit, among other abilities), Arch Nethermancer (offensive hero that can generate a shards of dark energy that slows and damages enemy units and help units regain mana), Legionnaire (lead the charge with increased attack rate and movement but damages them, reveal invisible units, each attack taken has a chance to deal damage around the unit, and even create a portal gate that summons demonic units and deal damage to enemies around the gate), Bulwark (defensive hero that can damage the area around the hero and a unfortunate chosen enemy unit, give itself temporary invulnerability and restore it's HP, passively increase armor around units and getting attacked has a chance to restore HP, and can get it's HP and mana restored when a friendly unit dies, with the effect boosted if said unit had Fel Fervor).

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This is the Felblood Elves altered melee faction of Warcraft 3, blood elves who have succumed to the allure of the demonic magic of the Burning Legion.

0:34: Note the custom interface for the Felblood Elves, really compliments them.

0:53: The Felblood Initiate can give Fel Fervor to units to boost their abilities.

1:29: The Mass Reap Coppice ability is how this faction gathers lumber.

2:33: Felblood Elves Hero Descriptions.

4:00: The Legionnaire can built a portal that can summon demon units and deals damage to enemies around it.

5:19: At first I didn't know Subjugated Doomguard increased the population cap when I played with this faction a little.

5:42: Studio of Atrocities sounds like a film studio specializing in horror movies.

6:35: Sanctum of Vice sounds like a fancy term for a lavish, pricey brothel.

7:40: Tyrannize will be useful for when we use the Subjagated Doomguard as a fighting unit.

9:08: Think the builder unit just tried to gather gold, not realizing it was pretty well guarded.

9:28: The Felblood elves can't gather lumber the normal way.

11:09: The Murloc exploded when the artillery unit killed it.

12:54: The Felblood Elves can even upgrade the demon units they summon.

15:28: Felblood and Voidblood Elves Faction descriptions.

16:31: Now we attack.

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