Disney Erases a NEW Splash Mountain Reference: Laughing Place GONE from Disney Community

1 year ago

Disney Erases a NEW Splash Mountain Reference: Laughing Place GONE from Disney Community

#disney #twdc #splashmountain #songofthesouth #laughingplace #waltdisney #entertainment #entertainmentnews #jamesbasket

Starring @JonasJCampbell, @ViewswithHughes, Tom of @MidnightsEdgeAfterDark, Vash Sky and @FloralfromUnderaRock

It's another day and another way for Disney to strike a reference to Song of the South and Splash Mountain. This time, they're taking out a small plaque that says "Laughing Place" and gave homage to the Bre'r crew through the name of a doggy park. Sorry, doggos... no Zip-a-dee-doo-dah for ya.

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