I'm going to get a lot of hate for this one. But it is what it is. ❤❤❤ Do your own research.

11 months ago

I'm going to get a lot of hate for this one. But it is what it is. ❤❤❤

I encourage you to expand your mind and do your own research.

This is 100% narrative seeding. IMO this was said on purpose.

These leads me to believe Obama's actions are at minimum controlled by the good guys.

1) This furthers the cover story that Joe is controlled by Obama and the globalists. (The PAUSE discredits black hats being in control)

2) Obama signed the EO allowing Psyops to legally be run on the American people. (White hats follow the law)

3) Obama put the policy in place allowing citizenship through enlistment. (Which in case you haven't heard is a big part of what's going on at the border) see my posts for proof.

4) crack head and transgender Mike exposure.

These 4 only scratch the surface. Think outside the box. Protect your mind and control your emotions.

We are experiencing fifth generation warfare frens. Nothing is what it seems. Much is happening behind the scenes as far as the public is concerned.

Just know this. For maximum success in a plan that is revealing itself more every day... You and I are a pivitol part.

Stand up and join the fight to take America back. You are the plan. You are the weopon.

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