Why Is UK Suffering After BREXIT?

1 year ago

Let’s suppose the UK and EU divorce, has not yet scared your parents into abandoning their pursuit of ending their marriage, and, just like in our case, they stopped living together.
Well, I am here to tell you that If their relationship is just like Brexit, somebody wants to get back in.

I have to say, the fact that Brexit is still in the discussion 7 years after the referendum is pretty good news for the EU and bad news for the UK. Exactly like your divorced parents who still after so many years want each other, or at least your dad or mom.

In other words, Is your Dad… I mean the UK missing the EU? And if so? Why is that?

One reason why your dad might miss your mother is the child payment that runs his wallet dry every month.

In our case, of course, the UK doesn't need to pay anything to Europe, but with the economy being in the state that it is we might as well say so.

Research by the Centre for European Reform suggests the UK economy is 2.5% smaller than it would have been if Remain had won the referendum. Public finances fell by £26bn a year. This amounts to £500m a week and is growing.

Likewise, A recent study by the London School of Economics found that Brexit was responsible for about a third of UK food price inflation since 2019, adding nearly £7 billion to Britain’s grocery bill.

This may actually be the biggest argument someone can make for why the UK needs to come back to the EU
This is my first video, so please subscribe if you like it!

Another reason why your dad might miss your mother is that his hands want to break up from his body without her.

Sounds strange?

Well, a lot of people thought that a post-Brexit Scotland, in which the majority voted for remaining, would be moving closer and closer to an independent referendum, but with the latest political instability in the Scottish National Party that seems unlikely.
Nevertheless, the threat still remains, not just with Scotland but also with the north of Ireland, a region where independence is still unlikely but the eruption of violence is not.

And that brings us to the last reason why your dad might miss your mother. Plain and simple he misses her.

Opinion polls are coming out with the overwhelming view that the UK citizens believe, it was wrong to leave the European Union, furthermore, if there was a referendum today on rejoining the union, the outcome would be positive, with the pools showing a majority.

Now those were the short summary of the reasons making your dad….. I mean the UK missing being a part of the EU.

Now the next question is “Will the UK rejoin the EU?”
Something that I will answer on another day. Until then here are some good moments from that time.

Thank You for watching, And please subscribe!

00:00 - Start
00:22 - Introduction
01:28 - The Economy
02:58 - The Stability
03:49 - The People
04:29 - The Conclusion
05:17 - Debate Moments

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