Senator Malcolm Roberts – Pfizer Faked Studies – Vaccines were an Assault Operation by the Military

1 year ago

The FDA took Pfizer's word that the vaccines were safe and effective. Pfizer committed systematic fraud during their clinical trials where only healthy participants were recruited for stage 2 study that was intended for the elderly. Patients who suffered from severe side effects were REMOVED from the study and REPLACED with FAKE participants who recorded ZERO side effects.
The Covid injection was NEVER tested on Pregnant Women. Women who were pregnant were REMOVED from the study PRIOR to childbirth. Then Pfizer recommended the Covid Jabs for Pregnant Women.

Senator Malcolm Roberts : "How can any human do this?" "This is inhuman and is monstrous."

Why did Pfizer think they could get away with the most crooked clinical trial in history?

Pfizer's Answer: "We gave the U.S. Government the vaccine they asked for."

Pfizer claims they are not liable for the adverse events.

This was a military operation and coverup. Covid was DEVELOPED in a lab by the Chinese Military FUNDED by the United States - NIH and Fauci.

The deception was planned, what we all saw on TV was a PLANNED event, an ACT, the LIE of all Lies.

COVID was a Worldwide Military Collaborative Attack and the Vaccines were Bioweapons.

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