Li Keqiang's death is highly suspicious

1 year ago

10/28/2023 【Infiltration Files - LFA TV】Ava: Li Keqiang's death is highly suspicious and should have been caused by internal conflict within the CCP. Roy Guo: Xi Jinping has purged almost all factions, and when Hu Jintao, who was forcibly removed by the bodyguards at the 20th CCP Congress, tapped him on the shoulder, Li Keqiang was very frightened.
#Likeqiang #XiJinping #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/28/2023 【渗透档案】莘7女孩: 李克强的死非常可疑,应该是中共内斗的结果。罗伊:习几乎将所有的派系都清洗了,中共二十大上被保镖强行架走的胡锦涛拍他的肩膀时,李克强非常惊恐。
#李克强 #习近平 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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