CHRIST SAYS SEX INSIDE OF Marriage for a Christian is sin , Live as though you were not In Choice!

1 year ago

He is What Christ says !!! I would that you stay in the condition in which you first Heard & believed THE Truth of God Which is Me ! A Real Man ! Who is telling you IF you sell yourself & become bound to a husband he will rule over you & you shall not have choice for you shall be reduced to a mere object in the eyes of THE courts & other men & women having no choice having sold it for your fathers wealth or whom ever owns you at that time uncle Second Cousin Whatever , Now if one of your religious leader comes & says well what if this woman's husband dies & his brother without asking or approval get's to bang her ass & if he dies then when his sex victim or Slave THE Woman dies like THE object she is & commodity In eternity who's getting that twat forever in eternity . Well you see if you have killed a woman's father or bought a woman from her father She is now your Whore to do with as you please you may Mary her or Mary her off for profit or sell her to the first Arab caravan for a pack of chewing gum if you so desire She is a woman & has not Choice in This World . unless you give it to her But That makes no sense at all to THE world & will Not make sense in fact they will all including the priests argue with me while I say nothing but THE Word of God is Clear Jesus says my woman Friends are neither marriage or given in marriage But have Choice Like the Angels in heaven , Like the reason you would all get insanely angry & ready to stone a man Were you to find out that Angels have intercourse or experience any type of feelings of pleasure together wouldn't you men ????!??!?!!?!?!?!? YES !!! MORGAN WE ARE ALL INANE CHILD RAPIN G GOOFS YOU KNOW THAT VERY WELL !!!! YES I DO !!!!! SO THIS IS THE RETURN OF THE KING AH ? I hope it does Go to throwing Darts in Lovers eyes . Christ says were you called Single Then do not seek a Wife ,But remain as you are & not unequally Yoking yourself to the world in it's Contracts &which are all lies & Sin Mathew %:21-22-23 Do not make oaths or vows For you can't change what you are going to do if you do it later SO make no promises But Hope & God willing let your yes be yes & your no be no anything beyond this is evil backing a sweat potatoes pie sticking a needle in your eye all these things are evil & do not make someone's testimony true . THE Angels In Heaven neither Mary nor are Sold but have Choice , IF you did or Do have a contract & a wife when you met me !! THE Truth In Love Live as though you were not Now knowing the truth, a promise is a lie , EVERY THING YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY THEM IS A LIE & THEY ALL KNOW !!! EVERYTHING MEANS EVERYTHING INCLUDING THIS !!! I HAVE COME TODAY THEIR ARE THINGS TO REALIZE T I ME has COME TODAY !!!

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