I am going to run wellness checks on you & your children, Any time for any reason without any proof.

1 year ago

in the same way you deliberately or not do what your told ! even when you know it is wrong , so for that I am challenging you to a Physical contest of discipline at your salaries & how you deliberately starve me so that you can can be the strongest Liars & child abusers you can . So I challenge you in front of your Children ! calling you each out to fight physically in front of the children so that they can see you are all cowards & are afraid to face a man ! A real man head on with WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You RAPING THEIRVING COWARDS!!! CHILDREN ARE ALL ABUSERS !!! JUST LIKE THEY BEAT & tell YOU wat to do even when it is wrong !!! I have here a long list of things your parent deliberately do to hurt the poor & the sick & the starving in order to rob them !! That is their actual Jobs , now in this free ! Place , Oh Wait it is not a free place because of your parents working for the lie . SO Unlike you cowards I would like to wellness check you in front of the Children THE ones that you hide your actions from the most ! You see I am not inciting everyone to just be violent killers, you believe you have been given that By whom God ? or yourself Who put that gun in your hand? God or yourself , Why did you do that , You will say the truth to me !!!! to feed yourself & your family it it is not to us against me ! I will Fight any one of you at any time anywhere & do . & have . SO as soon as I have established this better relation I will us it immediately for the children you hold your personal Gun over & say do as I or we say !! well their is no we ! you each one of you will answer to me THE Only MAN YOU HAVE EVER EVEN SEEN !!

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