Authority Appeal Part I

1 year ago

Non-Educator Promotes Critical Thinking on Proximal Origins and Introduces Basic Logic Taught at Least in Real College

[FOB FREEDOM, October 29, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

Perhaps, this is what meritocracy looks like, and certainly, nobody is concerned about meritocracy being at stake, but at least the progressive and open-minded, war-hardened Arlington Democrats are being exposed to another level of homelessness, at least with regard to the only 392 homeless veterans in the great state of Virginia. Most often the words that come to mind, when thinking of this population is that they probably got messed up in the war, choose your most familiar, from Vietnam to the wars in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, PTSD and substance abuse, and probably someone, more likely than not, who didn’t quite have the scholastic aptitude to go to college to pursue at least a baccalaureate degree, but, empirically, less than 23% of age-eligible Americans are even qualified to begin uniformed military service even as an infantryman, which requires the lowest scores on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). And after you have maxed the ASVAB, as well as the Officer Selection Battery (OSB), and have graduated from the most competitive college in the great state of Virginia, at least to a reasonable person, you would not be jobless and/or homeless, especially coming from a traditional two-parent family, and, to the degree that the laws of Newtonian physics apply: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?

“Well, Howard, you’d be surprised how many of our ‘educator approved’ ‘fire fighters’ miss that on the test. Jimmy Kimmel said that everyone watches porn, but how many of those are headliners on his show? I’m actually not sure, because I actually never heard of Kimmel before I got asked to appear on his show, and I can’t say I have ever watched anything more than my appearance, probably like all of the homeless do. And, how many people asked that question when reading Rolling Stone long after those 15 minutes of fame had tolled? But, cold chilling through a pandemic, as a former biological warfare planner, you don’t have much else to do, because you can only watch so much porn, right? I decided to take up litigation as a hobby, to engage in some cerebral activity and not have the boob tube turn my mind to mush, as my Mammy used to say, a fine colored woman, by the way. Did you know that Negroes watch more television than any other demographic, by the way? Top shows? Monday Night Football and Family Feud, which certainly finds a coincidental correlation to the decline in two-parent families since the days when even the Evans Family in Cabrini Green had a mother and a father. Hint. Hint. Any who,” remarked Major Mike Webb, rambling in stream of consciousness, like a lot of these crazy veterans.

However, we were finally successful in getting him to focus and get back on track.

“Must have forgotten to take my meds. It happens. Where was I? What was the question? Oh, yes. I decided to begin a conversation that has not occurred in three years of pandemic, going back to the RaTG13 coronavirus and walking it from Yunnan, the location of a virology laboratory nobody ever discusses, to Wuhan, the location of a virology laboratory everybody discusses, and we begin the first video installment discussing the logical fallacy of appeal to authority, which may or may not have been mentioned in the SPARS Pandemic script published by the folks at Johns Hopkins University in 2017, after I got offered a job—for less than six figures, by the way—apparently to support defense-related research on recombinant coronaviruses, some experience that I must have exaggerated on my resume, according to one troll who had been very interested in that job offer, which actually came about unsolicited. I thought they were just offering me a job to stop trying to run against Don Beyer for Congress, which would have been a bribe, which obviously it wasn’t or Don would be in the papers like Bobby Menendez, right?” remarked Webb, with flat effect, like a lot of crazy people, or people trying to look take on the character of Albert Camus’ ultimate existentialist, in The Stranger, and this couldn’t get any stranger.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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