Today is the first day of the summit in Malta

1 year ago

Today is the first day of the summit in Malta – a meeting of advisors and diplomatic representatives regarding our Peace Formula, which gradually, step by step, is becoming global.

Sixty six countries are represented at the summit, and it is a good result. All continents are represented. Many countries, different political traditions. I thank all the leaders and countries that have already supported our common vision for peace. And there is potential to expand the representation of states. The points of our Formula are created in such a way that everyone in the world who truly values international law can express themselves and their values and support global efforts against aggression.

And it is very symbolic that such a strong display of international unity we have today, on October 28, the day when in Ukraine we commemorate the Second World War and the anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazis from our territory. We can see now that the architecture created then did not work. But unity will certainly work effectively. The unity of all who help Ukraine defeat ruscism. And we will defeat it. For sure. And the unity of everyone in the world who works together with us, together with all our partners, to restore the strength of international law and the real weight of the principles and norms of the UN Charter.

The world is not a place for aggression. Humanity will come to this understanding. This is the only way to protect life.

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