What Should Catholics Do?

1 year ago

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As many of you know now, I recently had the privilege of being a guest on Matt Fradd’s Pints with Aquinas Podcast/YouTube channel and I finally have been able to listen to it all the ay through. As I did so, I was a little bothered by something – which is that Matt kept asking a question that I would start to answer and then, maybe the conversation would head in another direction or maybe I just didn’t feel confident in answering it to the extent that it required. But whatever the reason, I don’t feel like I answered it very well.

So I wanted to take some time to answer it now after having given it a little more thought. So, the question was, “What do we do now?” What he specifically meant was, in examining all the discouraging and distressing news in the world and especially in the Church, with the synod, with corruption scandals, with the rehabilitation of known serial abusers in the Church – if you’re in the habit of paying attention to Church news, which I am to a certain degree, there’s just so much that could cause one someone to lose their faith or their hope, and so what should we do about that? What should our response as lay people be?

And I don’t think he meant, what should people with a platform do about it. I think he just meant what should your average, pew sitting faithful Catholic layperson do?

Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: http://pauljernberg.com

Podcast Version: https://brianholdsworth.libsyn.com/

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