(5) My Slavery

1 year ago

[Chapter 5: My Slavery]

At the Gospel Rescue Mission the front desk was trying to pair me with the beautiful Latina woman with black hair. The Dorms or “Bubble” were trying to pair me with a beautiful older Latina woman with bleached blond hair. Her name means “Butterfly” as in the “Butterfly Effect”. Her nickname was the same as the name of a lawyer who was the cousin of the person he was helping in a movie with Marisa Tomei and Joe Pesci. I posted links on social media about this movie. I think my Mom is a temporal terrorist and saw the links from the future and had my cousin come live with her not knowing it was referring to something else. There is an Austin Powers movie where he married a fembot with the same name that means “Butterfly”. The older beautiful Latina woman with the bleached blond hair was the same age as my wife who is a “Fire Tiger” on the Chinese Zodiac. I gave her my wife’s white Bible. The Dinning area was trying to get get me to return to California to be paired with a a girl I worked with at a Dog Camp as a Dog Handler/Camp Counselor who I thought had hazel eyes but now seemed brown; she was an “Earth Tiger” on the Chinese Zodiac. I had worked at a place that helps people get out of timeshares before my wife sent me signed papers that said she wanted a Divorce based on “Irreconcilable Differences”. My wife said she was going to divorce me and marry a rich millionaire. She said she would cheat on me first chance she could and the only reason she hadn’t done so already was because she didn’t have time. I was still training for the timeshare job when my wife sent me the signed papers about wanting a divorce. I told the timeshare job that I had a family emergency and was leaving the state. I only later realized that the “Earth Tiger” with hazel or brown eyes actually worked at the timeshare job; she also worked at another job to help people get out of timeshares and got a tiger tattoo on her arm as a temporal echo to stack the deck in her favor. The Dinning area was run by a former Navy woman who brought in a “grandmother” to further stack the deck in the favor of the “Earth Tiger” with hazel and brown eyes to convince me to return to California. I had went to a “5 Guys in Costa Mesa after I submitted my EEOC complaint out of curiosity because there was a manager who came from 5 Guys restaurant to Jimboy’s Tacos when I worked there. They gave me a receipt with order number 66 to confirm they are Freemasons. The temporal terrorists have the internet rigged so that they can funnel me into their Honeytrap jobs designed to torture me with maximum effort for little reward. The Gospel Rescue Mission was run by Freemasons pretending to be Christians. However in the new timeline some of them actually defected to become genuine Christians. They had me doing slave labor for points. The “community service” chores gave 5 points per hour. You needed 25 points to cover room and board. Anything over 25 points gave you extra points you could use in their overpriced “store”. They later got rid of the store because they were giving cigarettes to people for slave labor, which is borderline human trafficking drug dealing and doesn’t look good for a Christian organization. After they got rid of the store, they increased the room/board rent to 8 or 10 hours of chores depending on whether you worked. I worked 10 hours of chores as a temporal fossil from a timeline where I didn’t work. In the new timeline, they had me working at Caption Call under duress for less thank California minimum wage for only 20 hours a week. Caption Call put a Route 66 sign on the wall to denote they were Freemasons.They had me sign a non-disclosure agreement under duress so I couldn’t take a picture of the Route 66 sign. Essentially I was a human trafficking slave used for slave labor. The Gospel Rescue Mission was essentially a slave labor concentration camp on the original timeline with many temporal fossils making it not much better on the current timeline. On the original timeline they would let you live if you worked. If you didn’t work, they killed you, harvested your organs, and sold them on the black market. Since you were homeless, they knew no one miss you when you were gone.

They brought in a celebrity chef and had 3 good meals to make their concentration camp seem like a legitimate Christian organization.

Some of the employees were still Freemasons who hadn’t yet defected to Christianity so they treated the residents like they were less than human. You know the Freemasons are not Christians by their lack of love.

The Caption Call brought in the girl with the cucumber water from Jimboy’s Tacos. Jimboy’s Tacos also had a Route 66 sign on the wall to indicate it was Freemason on the original timeline and remained as a temporal fossil. I think my wife may have even came covertly. My Father’s sister has a grandson with the name “Mason”. My Mother’s parents and my Father’s sister have timeshares, so I think they are Freemasons or at least we’re on a previous timeline. The Freemasons use timeshares as legal leverage to force people to do their evil bidding or else face financial ruin by increasing the “Maintenance Fees” without limit. I think the Caption Call people were trying to pair me with the sister of the Colombian girl with Cucumber water from Jimboy’s Tacos who worked at the shell gas station.

Because I am a temporal ghost, I have to meet all the temporal nodes in the electronic records of the person who was supposed to get my credit cards and car after I died in 2018. My wife’s younger sister has a Vietnamese friend who works at a pharmacy. I think on the original timeline where I died in 2018, my car and credit car records were hers and she was a drug dealer in that timeline. My wife made me keep going to a Vietnamese restaurant and I went to a Vietnamese barber.

The Job center at the Gospel Rescue Mission was run by the daughter of someone in the AirForce. At first the center said it wasn’t connected to the government, but then they changed their story and said it was all private. It probably was originally government on one timeline and switched to private with lingering temporal fossils.

The person in charge of the Resident Advocates at the Gospel Rescue Mission was a temporal terrorist with a Matthew 10:16 tattoo who was trying to restore the timeline to where I marry my wife’s sister who was born on October 16. He kept trying to get me thrown out on trivial grounds and told me that I cannot tell people the truth of my situation. He was basically trying to either keep me hostage under duress or force me back to California. Gospel Rescue Mission and Caption Call did all kinds of psychological operation triggers to brainwash me. They may have been temporal fossils and it was worse on the original timeline.

The Gospel Rescue Mission used the COVID-19 as an excuse to do a lockdown to keep me under house arrest. When they lifted the lockdown temporarily, I went to First Southern Baptist Church and uploaded a complete timeline of pictures onto my Facebook account in a private group to preserve the timeline. The temporal terrorists in the Bubble we’re trying to pair me with the beautiful older Latina woman with bleached blond hair, so they had her sit next to me singing and wearing perfume laced with pheromones. They had me doing chores with her. The other temporal terrorists from the front welcome desk kept sending the beautiful Latina woman with the black hair to the laundry room where there are no camera when I was doing chores there.

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