(4) My Burial

1 year ago

[Chapter 4: My Burial]

I know for a fact that the female AP Physics teacher who tried to sabotage my teaching career was a temporal terrorist. There are temporal fossils to confirm this. She wasn’t in the original timeline, so she doesn’t have a standard yearbook picture in the Aliso Niguel High School Yearbooks for the ones I have. She was a year younger than me, so she is in the picture for the cheerleading team. My guess is that the yearbook standard pictures were already measured as temporal nodes, so they couldn’t put her in when they changed the timeline. Instead they had her join the Cheerleading team and inserted her into the timeline that way. She is an ugly fake-Christian who used self-deprecating comments as a way to pretend to be humble. She always went on about how she was the lowest paid teacher (because she had least seniority). Later when was committing perjury against me in court to coverup her hate crimes, she called herself the “Veteran” physics teacher. She boasted in court how much she disliked Catholics and was better than them. I previously overheard her saying despicable things about Catholics because she was pro-abortion and Catholics were against abortion. She called herself liberal in court to virtue signal to the judge to use law-fare against me for being a conservative Catholic.

I know for a fact the Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources for Huntington Beach Union High School District was a temporal terrorist. She knows exactly how to boast of her crimes and get away with it by leveraging her reputation and position against mine. The way they do it is to be “too big to fail”. If they openly confidently boast of their hate crimes it looks like they have nothing to hide.

What probably happened is that on the original timeline where I died in 2018, I may have been a completely different person. The court documents cite my Christian Apologetics Books, which may have been a different type of book in the original timeline. Therefore it looks like they are citing my books out of context deliberately because the context was different in the original timeline. The court documents were temporal nodes and had to stay the same. However since I am innocent in this timeline, the temporal terrorists had to coverup their hate crimes by using a rigged kangaroo court C66 run by lawless Freemasons.

When I called for the temporal terrorist to be prosecuted for their hate crimes, false-flag psychological operations, and treason, they went all in using their Freemasons connections to destroy my life.

In 2020 the Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources for Huntington Beach Union High School District bribed them new Freemason Democrat Activist Leftist Judge in C66 to have me kidnapped and then run fake kangaroo court hearing s with a fake public defender while I was not present.

My wife and family are temporal terrorists who choose to forsake me hoping to leverage me into taking down my Facebook so they can alter the timeline quantum eraser style. When I refused to remove my Facebook, they did a war of attrition to try to torture me into removing my Facebook and “blink” to revert back to the original timeline where I died.

My wife kicked me out of our apartment and my family wouldn’t let me stay with them, so I have been homeless for months. They are trying to kill me by torturing me until I remove my new Facebook page I created so they can retroactively revert to the timeline where I died. It seems to work like the “weeping angels” of the “Dr. Who” time travel show. They cannot change the timeline while there is still evidence from social media. They need you to remove the evidence from social media so it “blinks” and they can change it to something else retroactively via quantum eraser.

My wife had already forced me to use my credit card to buy lots of Vietnamese dinners and other things. My credit card was maxed out and I had very little money when my wife kicked me out of the apartment. The Spirit of the Creator revealed to me it would backfire on them, so I went along with it.

I drove to Tucson Arizona to the Gospel Rescue Mission based on triggers in the “Last Man on Earth” television series. In the television series there was a pandemic that killed everyone similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. There was a sign that said, “Alive in Tucson”.

The COVID-19 shut down everything. My wife took the wireless internet so that I couldn’t update social media. I used a Starbucks internet from my car to upload my pictures onto my email. When I got to Tucson Arizona, I used my cell phone to transfer my pictures from my email to social media to preserve the timeline.

Gospel Rescue Mission seemed to be run by Freemasons pretending to be Christians. There were several groups of temporal terrorists there. At the welcome front desk there was one group of former Air Force who we’re trying to pair me with a beautiful Latina woman with black hair with the same first name as a Filipina girl from my High School who I asked to dances at least 5 times. She put secret messages in my Yearbook and had the same soccer jersey numbers (4 & 13) as me. One message said something about the “God Squad”. I went to prom with a girl from my Catholic Church who was on the “God Squad”. I think there was a “temporal bait and switch” on the timeline where a different girl went to prom with me.

There is a picture of the Creole girl with me on the stairs and my current wife was with another boy. This might have been a temporal node from the timeline where I married my wife’s sister and died in 2018. In the original timeline, I probably only went to 2 Proms, but in the current timeline I went to 3 proms because my wife is a year older than me and was a junior when I was a sophomore. We went to the same restaurant “Rainforest Cafe” as a temporal echo.

One Filipina girl was the Winter Formal Queen for Aliso Niguel High School for the same year as me. She sang at my Saint Timothy’s Catholic Church. I saw her there the weeks before I left for Gospel Rescue Mission on Saturdays.

I wrote an email to myself the day I left (Saturday) titled “Saint Timothy Underground Parking Incognito Disguise” with a secret plan to throw off the temporal terrorists, “...Better to leave under cover of dark and it won’t be too hot. I feel like the last man on Earth, but I think I will be ‘Alive’”

Someone planted a framed Junior Year High School picture of me wearing a cross and fish Christian necklace in the garage before I left California in order to change the timeline. My wife also gave me back the white Bible I had given to her.

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