(3) My Death

1 year ago

[Chapter 3: My Death]

I was working at Jimboy’s Tacos in Aliso Viejo when my cell phone mysteriously died March 11, 2018 and a man claiming to be FBI came March 12, 2018. I can therefore assume I died on the original timeline around this time.

My wife forced me to take down my Facebook which made me “blink” allowing for the timeline to be altered to resurrect me quantum eraser style.

In the original timeline my wife (my current wife’s sister) took a screenshot and purposely kept the date missing. The Facebook screenshot showing me dead occurred in 2016 in this timeline followed by a retraction that it was a mistake. My wife in the timeline where I died had to do psychological operations to make it appear like I was still alive. Since 2018 I have been living as a temporal ghost trying to recreate the temporal nodes where I had died using an alternate person’s identity in electronic records.

In this timeline I have only become recently aware that this might be the case. I am like Bruce Willis in “The 6th Sense” who just recently learned that he is a ghost. I am a temporal ghost, which explains why no one has helped me yet because of “temporal isolation” or “temporal quarantine”. I am hoping that I will only have to be in “temporal isolation” or “temporal quarantine” until the message is sent back in time to temporally resurrect me, which I am hoping is soon.

Once the message is sent, I can come out of isolation without creating a causal paradox. I see three possible outcomes for the future. (1) the first outcome is that I am single until extracted from this world through rapture or death. It is very probable the rapture could occur in the next year and almost certainly in a decade unless the timeline is altered again. (2) The second outcome is that I am reconciled to my current wife and she apologizes for all the psychological operations she had to do to preserve the temporal nodes. (3) The third outcome is that my current wife dies and I remarry after her death.

Since my current wife is barren and the temporal terrorists seem to want me to have offspring that look of Latin American descent, it looks like I am either going to be reconciled to my wife with polygamy being legalized in doomsday shelters or my wife is going to be killed by the temporal terrorists. Before he died, my Father said if I had children with a Filipino woman, they might look like they are of Latin American descent. I think the temporal terrorists may have shown my Father a picture of my future children before he died.

If I have already chosen to have Children that look like they are of Latin American descent, then my future wife will probably either have ancestry in Latin American or the Philippines. The question is whether I chose this in the future or whether it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I thought the temporal terrorists were inserting beautiful women around me as a trap to get me to cheat on my wife, but they may be trying to classically condition me with triggers so that I will marry their choice for my future wife during the “window of opportunity” that may occur in the near future.

The people at the telemarketing Job I had after teaching said I was going to be rich and have a lot of descendants, so I think they received a message that will be sent back in time shortly in the future.

The pastor at Corpus Christi Church in Aliso Viejo is a temporal terrorist who encoded triggers into his homily/sermon. If you were to caption what he says in the video of his homily/sermon and search for trigger, annulment, and divorce, you could find some of these encrypted messages. There was a different pastor who now works at Santa Margarita High School in this timeline who was the pastor at Corpus Christi in the previous timeline.

If I died on the original timeline working at Jimboy’s Tacos sometime after the solar eclipse, then I can assume all the beautiful women inserted after that time of Latin American or Filipino descent were to classically condition me to marry the woman they want me to marry. There seems to be several factions of temporal terrorists who want me to marry different women, so it has been like a Beauty Contest like Miss Universe and a reality show like the Bachelor, except I am not a bachelor so they needed to get my attention using platonic methods.

One faction of temporal terrorists seems to want me to marry my wife’s sister to restore the timeline back to my original wife in the timeline where I died. However since the timeline has changed and I am not dead yet as of writing this, other temporal terrorists want me to marry someone new.

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