Remember the sabbath - Verse of the day - 1st Corinthians 12-15 - 10-28-2023

1 year ago

10-28-2023 Verse of the day - 1Co 12:15  If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

Lets love one another. Stop the foolishness and quit listening to the obvious instigators who lead the masses astray with their warped justifications of blatant murder, torture, theft and destruction.
There is no universe where murder of citizens is justified due to the actions of the Governments that the citizens have no control over.
There is no Universe where I will ever say the murders by members of hamas on Israeli citizens were justified, and there is no universe where I will ever say the murders by members of the Israeli Government on Palestinians were justified either.

And just to be absolutely clear here, there is no universe where you will ever convince me that an open air prison/concentration camp for Palestinians displaced from their homes is ever justified.
I am not allowed to murder or keep prisoners unreleased. God makes this clear.
And Jesus Christ is coming. He it is who has released many, and will release all of us remaining prisoners upon his return.
Woe to those Wardens and Prison Guards of the world. Their destruction will be epic in scope, and terrible beyond imagining.

Here is Omens latest Video from 4 days or so ago!!! (I haven't watched it yet.)

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