GOING LIVE! Brother Patch

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LIVE Overview and Explanation of Consecration.

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S.cripture(s)— “And as I began to speak, Ruach haKodesh fell on them, as He did upon us at the beginning. Then I remembered the Word of Yahshua, how that He said: ‘John indeed immersed with water; but you shall be immersed with *His Spirit.’ ”
Acts 11:15 & 16
O.bservation(s)— * “For John truly immersed with water; but you shall be immersed with Ruach haKodesh not many days from now.” Acts 1:5
• I personally have experienced being in His Supernatural Presence many times, and on at least two occasions, I observed, felt, comprehended His over-awing Love and the Brightness of His Glory, but thus far in my life in Him since my adoption via re-birthing, I do not remember ever experiencing a ‘baptism’ in His Spirit.
• I also do not remember ever experiencing miraculously being given the ability to instantly begin speaking another language besides the English I have grown up with.
• I notice that I really cannot tell if, during certain very uplifting times of being in a group with brethren, while singing and praising, some of the times when I’ve experienced an uplifting thrill of being ushered into His Presence might not be what other describe as being ‘filled’ with Ruach haKodesh.
• I sense His Presence and wonder if sometimes it may be my own imagination. At other times, I do not wonder at all…there is no ambiguity in my spirit-man then.
A.pplication(s)— To seek His Truth, His Supernatural Presence, and to bring every one of my thoughts captive in obedience to Him as per 2 Corinthians 10:5.
To choose belief, even when it doesn’t ‘feel’ as if Ruach haKodesh lives in me as per the scriptures I read.
To press-in to experience the Brightness of His Glory, that I might produce much fruit, that is a delight to His Taste.
P.rayer— Please forgive my sloth and indulging the weaknesses of my flesh Father. Including my doubts about ever having formally experienced being ‘filled with Your Spirit.’ I testify that I know Your Voice as my Daddy. And I know Your Presence and fondly remember the mercy and comfort You blessed me with that day in my old house, sittin’ on the floor next to the couch in my living-room. And I thank You for Supernaturally Comforting me back then. And all the times since. Thank You for the unction You bestow into my spirit-man. Please bestow more and guard my soul from ever giving in to the temptation to try and ‘muster-it-up’ in my own strength.
Please Father, increase my belief as per Your Word @ Luke 17:5, but ‘lead me not into testing.’ And for the miracle that only You can do, bestowing both at the same time without contradiction. In the Name of Yahshua, so be it. I love you Dad. 😊

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