Darkcel Forever | Episode #4: Failure To Launch

1 year ago

Yes, I'm a day late... sue me.

Anyways, this is episode 4 and from what the title suggests, well.. it’s accurate. Failure to launch is right! Failure to be part of the normie crowd, the normie global society is far from our reach, but why is that? Easy, we’re genetically inferior subhuman trash and that’s as simple as it gets. We were put on this earth for no other reason than to fail and lose out of the basic human experience. Whether that be friendships, meeting a girl, making a family and having kids, etc., etc., etc… The point is.. we failed as men and we are (technically) not apart of society, therefore, all responsibility and accountability is thrown out the window. We might as well live with the trolls, giants and Squatches in the caves, since we’re practically one of them… forced into the underground.

#darkcel #incel #mstow #podcast #episode4 #incelpodcast #failtolaunch #october #failuretolaunch #2023 #manosphere #blackpill #darkpill #inceldom #darkceldom #darkcelforever #harshtruth #harshreality #loser

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