Breaking Free from the Matrix With Islam

1 year ago

Discovering the Islamic Perspective on 'The Matrix': Unplugging from Illusions - In this video, I delve into the concept of 'The Matrix,' popularised by Andrew Tate and the iconic movie, and explore the Islamic viewpoint on this idea. Join me in understanding how you can authentically unplug from the illusions that surround us.

CHAPTERS - Breaking Free from the Matrix

00:01 - Unveiling the Illusions of the Matrix
03:51 - What is the Matrix?
05:50 - Unmasking the Puppet Masters: Who's Really in Control?
06:26 - How the Matrix traps you
07:51 - Insights into the Origins of Policy and the Influence of the Matrix
13:22 - How do we break free from the Matrix
14:21 - Conclusion

If we haven’t yet before - Salam 👋 I’m Mohammed Adris, a complete failure, who did a degree to please his parents (and never looked at the certificate again), turned entrepreneur and I’ve intentionally managed to keep all my income within the confinements of Islam.

I’ll be sharing all the advice I wish I received along my way of studying, getting married, raising kids, studying Islam, starting & running a business and more. I’ll be taking my own advice along the way too, so join me, subscribe, if you want the advice & witness the next 10 years.

Oh, And if I’m wrong about anything, I want you to help me correct course.

I made an intro on YouTube, and you can watch it here:

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