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Heil Arnold Schwarzenegger Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad Covid-19 Shot
Arnold Schwarzenegger Say Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad And Get Your Covid-19 Death Shots Today Or You're A Schmuck Too. The Weight of what Arnold Schwarzenegger Experienced during a visit to the Nazi Death Camp at Auschwitz was “heavier than any squat I’ve done before,” the actor and retired professional bodybuilder said in a video released Tuesday directed at the rising tide of antisemitism seen heralded by the likes of Kanye West and NBA star Kyrie Irving. In the 12-minute video, Schwarzenegger talks directly to those “who might have already stumbled into the wrong direction,” urging them to dismiss conspiracies surrounding Jewish people, along with race, gender and sexual orientation. “I’ve seen enough people throw away their future for hateful beliefs,” Schwarzenegger says, before referencing his Nazi father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, who he watched “broken” as a child growing up in Austria after the Second World War. “They felt like losers... they fell for a horrible, loser ideology,” Schwarzenegger said of the men he was surrounded by as a kid. “They were lied to and misled into a path that ended in misery… they bought into the idea that the only way to make their lives better was to make other lives worse... It breaks you… it is the path of the weak… there has never been a successful movement based on hate.” Schwarzenegger echoed comments about his father in March 2022 in a video plea to Russians to end the war in Ukraine, revealing Gustav was a German soldier during the siege of Leningrad.
In Bizarre Antisemitic Rant, Roseanne Barr Claims Holocaust 'Never Happened'
The actor, who is Jewish, said that 'nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen - 6 million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world'
So Their 6,000,000 Jews That Never Existed - Started 18 years before Hitler assumed power ?
Arnold Schwarzenegger says his father was among millions ‘sucked into a hate system’ by lies. Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday spoke out against antisemitism and hate, pointing to his family history in the hope it would stand as an example for others.
“My father was, and so many other millions of men were, sucked into a hate system through lies and deceit. And so, we have seen where that leads,” Schwarzenegger told CNN’s Dana Bash in an exclusive interview, after earlier telling her at a forum at the University of Southern California that he had been “born with a father that was a Nazi.”
“I’ve seen it firsthand how broken this man’s – this man were,” he continued. “The kinds of atrocities that happened. How many millions of people had to die and then they ended up losers … in the Confederacy, losers, as they all have, this just doesn’t work. I mean, let’s just go and get along. And love is more powerful than hate.”
The actor, who was born in Austria in 1947 and moved to the US in 1968, has been outspoken about his father Gustav Schwarzenegger’s involvement with the Nazi party during WWII. In a video message released in March, he referenced his father as he called out hate speech and urged those on “the easy path of hate” to “choose a life of strength” and “fight the war against yourself.”
Schwarzenegger’s comments come amid increased levels of antisemitism and a rise in hate crimes across the US. A report released by the Anti-Defamation League last month found that antisemitic incidents in the US at their highest level since the organization began recording them in 1979. Data released by the FBI in March shows that the number of hate crimes reported in the US also increased in 2021.
Schwarzenegger told Bash at the forum that he did not know the reason behind the rise in hate and antisemitic violence, but said: “I think we have to figure out a way of toning it down.”
“I think it’s very clear that the more liberal we go with social issues, you see the other side becoming more and more angry, and there’s more and more hate in general,” he said. “There are people who created the insurrection and you know went absolutely berserk in Washington on January 6th. And it’s just so many people that are angry. Not just angry about Whites against Blacks, or people against Jews and all this but just angry in general.”
‘Absoutely not’ concerned about Trump as 2024 GOP frontrunner
Asked if he was concerned about former President Donald Trump being the potential frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, Schwarzenegger told Bash “absolutely not” and that he did not believe the former president could win another term.
Trump is aiming to become only the second commander-in-chief ever elected to two nonconsecutive terms. His bid comes despite a recent indictment on business fraud charges in New York and being under investigation for his actions as president – including a sprawling criminal investigation by the Justice Department into the effort by Trump and his allies to block the peaceful transition of power on January 6, 2021.
Yet at this stage, he remains the clear Republican frontrunner, leading his rivals by double digits.
“Being a frontrunner of one party and letting them dig this hole deeper and deeper is going to make it easy for the Democrats to win,” Schwarzenegger told Bash. “It’s sad to see that. That they couldn’t come up with a new talent, with a new face that is a reasonable, smart, intelligent person that can lead this country in a Republican way.”
Following the January 6 insurrection, the former governor released a video comparing the riot to Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, a rampage of violence by the Nazi regime against Jewish communities, synagogues and businesses in Germany and Austria in 1938.
“First thing that came to my mind when I saw the insurrection was that it was dangerous and we were very, very close to losing our democracy that day and this could be the beginning the something just like Kristallnacht was and let’s all be aware of that,” Schwarzenegger told Bash on Wednesday.
“If you look at the history we learn from the past not to repeat it again … it’s a wake-up call to let people know you have to take this seriously. And not just like, ‘Oh, let’s get those right wingers. Let’s put them in jail,’ and all this stuff. No. This is much more than that.”
“You’re a Schmuck” Arnold Schwarzenegger Tells People Refusing to Get Vaccinated and Mask Up to Go Fu*k Themselves “Screw your freedom…with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities.”
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments.
Once you see this you'll have no faith in these people again! The system-serving airheads that should be tried and imprisoned for crimes against humanity like most politicians, oligarchs, globalists and most medias. So many innocent people of all age groups have died or been severely injured for life after listening to the advice of Hollywood celebrities, talk show hosts and politicians regarding the vaccine for covid-19. It’s right that medical ethics should be highly scrutinized, especially in cases like the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out where the process has been accelerated. However, it’s important not to mix up the atrocities of the past with current debates about medicine and policy.
A year and a half into the COVID-19 pandemic, there are two groups of people in the U.S.: those who take the virus seriously and are willing to do what it takes to stop it, and those whose own selfishness and ignorance will ensure we’re still dealing with this thing for God knows how long. This latter group, among other things, believes protecting the vulnerable is not their problem, that vaccines are for suckers, that wearing a mask infringes on their personal freedom, and that Tucker Carlson knows more about viruses than people who have studied them for their entire professional lives. These people, in a word, are assholes. And as we prepare to enter yet another season of COVID, those who continue to do their part are pretty sick of the ones who don’t—a frustrated cohort that includes such diverse constituents as Nancy Pelosi and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
In an interview on Tuesday, Schwarzenegger told former National Security Council staffer Alexander Vindman and CNN’s Bianna Golodryga that he’s disgusted with (1) the coronavirus misinformation out there and (2) the Americans who think their actions don’t affect others. “A year and a half later, we are still in a mess and there are still people living in denial, there are still people that don’t believe in masks, there are still people out there who say, ‘Well, we don’t have to do social distancing,‘ and all this kind of stuff. And I just think that people ought to be reminded over and over that the experts are saying that we have to wear masks, especially when you go indoors, the experts are saying that you should still wash your hands regularly, you should still do social distancing, especially now with this new comeback of the virus, which is the fourth round now, that we have to really go and work together,” the Terminator turned California governor turned unlikely voice of reason said. “Look, I am an expert on how to build a bicep…there’s no one who knows more about a bicep than I do because I studied this issue for 50 years. And the same is also with the virus. There are people out there who are experts that studied this year after year after year…Dr. [Anthony] Fauci [has studied viruses] for his entire life, why would you not believe someone like that?”
He added: “I think people should know there is a virus here, it kills people. And the only way we prevent it is we get vaccinated, we wear masks, we do social distancing, washing your hands all of the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom. Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. You cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do x, y, and z,’ when you affect other people. That is when it gets serious. It’s like, no different than a traffic light. They put the traffic light in the intersection so someone doesn’t kill someone else by accident. You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, I’m going to go right through it.’ Yeah, then you kill someone else. It is the same thing with the virus. You cannot go and not put the mask on because when you breathe you can infect someone else, and you can infect someone that then gets sick and may die. So this is why I think we all have to work together on this.… We have to come together rather than fighting and always just saying, ‘According to my principles this is a free country and I have the freedom to wear no mask.’ Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask, but you know something? You’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask.”
Schwarzenegger has actually been railing against COVID misinformation—which has been coming from everyone from Republican lawmakers to Fox News to the last president—for some time. In January, after he got vaccinated, he wrote on Facebook:
I think a lot of you need to hear this.
I always say you should know your strengths and listen to the experts. If you want to learn about building biceps, listen to me, because I’ve spent my life studying how to get the perfect peak and I have been called the greatest bodybuilder of all time. We all have different specialties.
Dr. Fauci and all of the virologists and epidemiologists and doctors have studied diseases and vaccines for their entire lives, so I listen to them and I urge you to do the same. None of us are going to learn more than them by watching a few hours of videos. It’s simple: if your house in on fire, you don’t go on YouTube, you call the damn fire department. If you have a heart attack, you don’t check your Facebook group, you call an ambulance. If 9 doctors tell you you have cancer and need to treat it or you will die, and 1 doctor says the cancer will disappear, you should always side with the 9. In this case, virtually all of the real experts around the world are telling us the vaccine is safe and some people on Facebook are saying it isn’t.
Anyway, listen to Arnold, get your shot, wear a mask, and don’t be a schmuck!
Real Nazi Meaning and Origin of the Word The Nazi party was the political and military power headed by Adolf Hitler before and during World War II. But what does Nazi stand for in English, and why do people still use it today? Learn all about the meaning and history of the word Nazi, including important facts that are still relevant in modern politics.
What Does Nazi Stand For?
The word Nazi, meaning "a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party," is short for the German term for National Socialist (Nationalsozialist). The full German name for the party is Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte, or NSDAP. Along with Adolf Hitler, the Nazi party rose to power in the years leading up to World War II, committed war atrocities and attempted genocide during the war before being defeated by the Allied powers in 1945.
Colloquially, the term can refer to someone who is extremely zealous about something, such as a "grammar nazi" or a "rules nazi." However, the word is typically lowercase in these instances. Historically and politically, Nazi with a capital "N" refers to a person who follows the principles of Nazism.
Nazi Ideology
Although the word socialist appears in the party title for Nazism, the Nazi ideology doesn't have much to do with far-left traditional socialism. Hitler's definition of National Socialism, a platform that serves one's country only, is closer to far-right fascism and authoritarianism on the ideological spectrum.
Attributes of Nazi ideology include:
Totalitarianism - The Nazi party sought sole control of the government and severe punishment of political enemies. The philosophy allowed no dissension among German citizens.
Dictatorship - Adolf Hitler was the unquestioned leader of the Nazi party. As he ascended Germany's political ranks, the German government rapidly shifted from a constitutional monarchy to an absolute dictatorship.
Limited civil liberties - Personal freedom was unimportant to the Nazis, who quickly took liberty from those it persecuted. These actions ranged from arresting people without cause to executing them in concentration camps.
Xenophobia - Nazis wanted to preserve an Aryan race (Nordic heritage) and eliminate all who they deemed to be inferior, especially Jewish people. They put a stop to immigration into Germany and stripped rights from non-German residents.
Nationalism - One of the main Nazi party platforms was the unification of Germany after World War I. Nazis believed in Aufbruch der Nation — "a new start for the nation" — to rebuild after suffering economic and infrastructural losses in the first World War.
Loyalty - Nazis swore loyalty to Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Common Nazi mottos included Alles für Deutschland ("everything for Germany") and Deutschland über alles ("Germany above all").
Sovereign economy - The Nazi economy did not fall into traditional definitions of economic systems. It had characteristics of capitalism (German citizens of non-Jewish ancestry could own property) and a state-run economy (the labor and production market shifted to accommodate the government's war needs).
Although Nazi Germany only existed for 12 years (1933-1945), it made an enormous impact on twentieth-century geopolitical relations. Even the threat of a far-right government's approach to Nazism warrants attention from democratic countries around the world.
Who Coined the Word Nazi?
While it's difficult to know who exactly coined the word "Nazi" as a nickname for Hitler's party, historians generally agree that it wasn't Hitler. In fact, Hitler disliked the term because it was used as an insult by his enemies. As Mark Forsyth writes in The Etymologicon, Nazi had long been a derogatory nickname for the Bavarian peasant name Ignatius, which referred to a stereotypically unintelligent and clumsy person. It transferred well to the German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist. As anti-Hitler Germans fled the country in the 1930s and 1940s, the teasing nickname for Hitler's party became part of international vocabulary.
Party members attempted to reclaim the nickname for their own purposes. Joseph Goebbels, a Nazi propagandist, wrote a pamphlet called Der Nazi-Sozi in 1926 to reclaim the nickname. Leopold von Mildenstein did the same in Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina in 1934. Some members of the party used the colloquial term, but for the most part, they referred to each other as Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists).
What Does SS Stand For?
When you see the letters SS in reference to Nazis or World War II, it stands for Schutzstaffel ("protective squad" or "protective eschelon"). The SS was a paramilitary group originally tasked with protecting Hitler and the higher-ranking Nazi officers. It evolved from Hitler's private army, the SA (Sturmabteilung or "assault division"), also known as "brownshirts" or "stormtroopers." One of the most prominent SS members was Heinrich Himmler, who commanded the SS and was responsible for splitting the SS from the SA.
As World War II progressed, the SS grew to over 250,000 members and split into subdivisions, including SS Verfügungstruppen ("Dispositional troops"), Totenkopfverbande ("Death's Head Unit") and Waffen SS ("Armed SS"). It worked with Germany's secret state police (Geheime Staatspolizei or "Gestapo") to carry out mass executions, arrest political enemies and operate concentration camps. During the Nuremberg Trials after World War II, the SS was found to be a criminal organization guilty of committing war crimes during the Holocaust.
What Does Neo-Nazi Stand For?
The prefix neo- means "new." Neo-Nazi is a term that describes "new Nazis" — modern political activists who share the core beliefs of World War II-era Nazism. Another common term for a neo-Nazi is "white supremacist," which indicates that a person values members of the white race above all other races.
Unlike traditional Nazis, neo-Nazis value personal freedom and the free market, and they are not a global political force. However, similar to Nazis from the 1930s, neo-Nazi groups are found to be vocal and violent against non-white and non-Christian groups, which is why many neo-Nazi organizations are considered to be domestic terrorists.
The Legacy of Nazism
While it would be convenient to leave the memories of Nazism in history, the party's beliefs live on. In the decades since the fall of Nazi Germany, individuals, small groups and even major governments have veered toward the same nationalist and xenophobic philosophies as those held by Nazis. Learning more about other fascist governments in history can round out our knowledge on how these forces take power — and how concerned parties can take it back.
U.S. Government said and or told Us - We The People - COVID-19 Shot Are Safe ? LIE's ? So Per the Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ? Paraquat Pot ? 1920 Poisoned Alcohol ? Now Mandatory COVID-19 Shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients all part of a series of massive government cover-ups.
The Pentagon's mandatory anthrax shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients and helped prompt many Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members to transfer to other units or leave the military between 1998 and 2000, according to a survey by Congress's General Accounting Office (GAO).
The survey indicated that 85% of troops who received an anthrax shot had an adverse reaction, a rate far higher than the 30% claimed by the manufacturer in 2000, when the survey was conducted. Sixteen percent of the survey respondents had either left the military or changed their status, at least in part because of the vaccination program.
The program "appears to have adversely affected the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve in terms of retaining needed experienced personnel," states the report, which was released in late October. The GAO recommended that the Department of Defense (DoD) set up an active surveillance program for vaccine reactions.
DoD launched a program in 1998 to inoculate all troops against anthrax. The program was cut back to a few select units in 2000 because of a vaccine shortage due to the manufacturer's difficulty in gaining Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for its operation after a plant renovation. In January 2002 the FDA finally approved the new production system. Last May, DoD announced it would step up the vaccination program again, but the shots would be required only for personnel deployed longer than 15 days in high-risk areas.
Nuremberg Code: Directives for Human Experimentation The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide. Read the founding documents of modern medical ethics, The Nuremberg Code, the Declarations of Helsinki and Geneva, and the International Code of Medical Ethics, which articulate a core set of ethical principles to guide human experimentation and clinical care. Nuremberg Code is a 10-point set of rules for the conduct of human experiments articulated in 1947 in the trials of Nazi doctors and bureaucrats convicted of crimes against humanity for their roles in concentration camp experiments.
U.S. Government said and or told Us - We The People - Agent Orange - Yes It's Safe - The Chemical That Destroyed Generations. The U.S. defeated most of the resolutions, arguing that Agent Orange was not a chemical or a biological weapon as it was considered a herbicide and a defoliant and it was used in effort to destroy plant crops and to deprive the enemy of concealment and not meant to target human beings.
Agent Orange, mixture of herbicides that U.S. military forces sprayed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War for the dual purpose of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy.
Agent Orange was a mixture of plant-killing chemicals (herbicides) used by the United States military during the Vietnam War as a defoliant to remove tree cover, destroy crops, and clear vegetation around US bases. About 3 million Americans served in the armed forces in Vietnam and nearby areas. Many of these veterans, as well as other people in the area, were exposed to Agent Orange.
Exposure to Agent Orange could have occurred when the chemicals were breathed in, ingested in contaminated food or drinks, or absorbed through the skin. Exposure might have been possible through the eyes or through breaks in the skin, as well.
One of the challenges in assessing the health effects of Agent Orange exposure has been determining how much an individual was exposed to (or even what they were exposed to). Very little information on this is available.
The Vietnam Memorial lists the names of more than 58,000 Americans who died. However, the wall does not document the names of the 2.8 million U.S. veterans exposed to the deadly chemical Agent Orange, and later died. Let's honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice during war - and because of war.
Paraquat Pot: The True Story Of How The US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical In The 1980s When people talk about “killer weed,” that’s typically understood to mean really good weed. But due to US government policies that started in the 1970s and extended through most of the 1980s, marijuana fields were being sprayed with a chemical that can actually kill you.
The chemical, known as “paraquat,” is an herbicide sprayed over marijuana fields in Mexico in the 1970s—with the aid of US money and US-provided helicopters—and over marijuana fields in Georgia in the 1980s under the direction of the Reagan Administration.
But normally, anything poisonous enough to kill plants is also toxic enough to kill humans, and that is the case with paraquat.
At least 1,000 children in the United States have lost their lives to COVID-19, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
According to available data as of December 15, a breakdown of 677,393 coronavirus deaths showed 1,005 persons between the ages of 0 and 17. Among those, 319 children between the ages of 0 and 4 had died from the disease.
The data set showed 213 kids between the ages of 5 and 11 had died from COVID-19, while 240 children between 12 and 15; and 233 children aged 16 to 17 had succumbed to the virus.
The figures reflect COVID-19 cases and deaths reported to the CDC since January 21, 2020. Some U.S. states and territories report statistics without detailed demographic data.
The virus is much more likely to kill those in older age groups, with the highest number of deaths in the U.S. being among those aged 85 or older, the same data set showed. 190,983 deaths in the CDC statistics were in that age group.
According to the CDC, as many as half of all COVID-19 infections in children may be asymptomatic—higher than older age groups—but they can still get quite ill from it.
Potential serious complications include multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), a rare condition in which different body parts become inflamed, including the skin, eyes, brain, heart, kidneys, lungs or gastrointestinal organs. More than 2,300 cases of MIS-C were reported in children aged 5 through 11 from April 2020 to October 2021, the CDC said last month.
Currently in the U.S., the only vaccine that has been authorized for children is Pfizer-BioNTech. Those as young as five can get the vaccine. Children 16 or older can get a COVID-19 booster shot.
Jewish comedian Roseanne Barr draws fire for remarks on Holocaust, Jews in Hollywood Incendiary comments on podcast spark uproar, though they appear to be satirical; entertainer says controversy is ‘dumbest one to date’
Firebrand comedian Roseanne Barr set off an uproar this week for comments denying the Holocaust, although the statements by the Jewish entertainer appeared to be satirical.
Barr has expressed pride in her Jewish background and advocated for Jews and Israel in the past, and has a history of making incendiary comments, including racist remarks.
The latest controversy stemmed from comments she made earlier this month on a podcast, “This Past Weekend,” hosted by comedian Theo Von. The statements drew attention in recent days after the Holocaust remarks made the rounds online.
Barr discussed what she claimed was the repression of open discourse by the government and social media, saying “nobody wants to hear the real truth.”
She made comments that appeared to be sarcastic criticism of the dialogue surrounding US President Joe Biden’s election victory, comparing the censure of Biden’s win to restrictions on Holocaust denial.
“I’m glad that they did set up all these guidelines so we only are allowed to speak the truth, and the truth is that Biden got 81 million votes by winning 36 counties and that is just incredible,” Barr said. “I’m just glad that they were careful to make sure that nobody could detract from that proven truth.
“The election was not rigged. Thirty-six counties can give you 81 million votes. That’s a fact,” she said. “don’t you dare say anything against it or you’ll be off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and all the other ones. There’s such a thing as the truth and fact and we have to stick to it.
“That is the truth, and nobody died in the Holocaust either. That’s the truth. It should happen, 6 million Jews should die right now because they cause all the problems in the world but it never happened. Mandated,” she said.
She added that she was “all Jewish, 100%.”
Barr also highlighted Jewish contributions to the entertainment industry, said Hollywood was largely Jewish, and criticized Dave Chappelle’s SNL monologue against Jews in entertainment.
“You went there, you tried to get into show business, of course it’s Jewish, and people should be glad that it’s Jewish too, because if Jews were not controlling Hollywood all you’d have is fucking fishing shows,” she said.
Barr also said Jewish lawyers sued people for patent violations, called Hollywood an “organized crime network,” and said she was “not the right kind of Jew for Jews in Hollywood.”
After the controversy, Barr said on Instagram, “This latest attempt against me is the dumbest one to date. They aren’t even trying anymore,” and added that she would have further comments during her podcast on Thursday.
The head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, said, “Sarcasm or not, Roseanne Barr’s comments about Jews and the Holocaust are reprehensible and irresponsible.”
“This isn’t funny. And shame on Theo Von for letting it go unchallenged and instead diving into conspiracy theories about Jews and Hollywood,” Greenblatt said.
The Jewish advocacy group the Simon Wiesenthal Center said the comments were “taken out of context” and that criticism of Barr was “not valid.”
Barr is famous for her role as the star of “Roseanne,” a hugely successful sitcom about a working-class family that ran from 1988 to 1997 and was resurrected in 2018.
In recent years, Barr has made a number of controversial and racist Twitter posts, some promoting conspiracy theories. In 2018, she tweeted about former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, a Black woman, generating the most backlash: “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”
Barr later deleted the tweet and apologized, but ABC canceled the show. The network later brought back a spinoff called “The Conners,” without Barr, which failed to gain traction.
Barr has expressed her support for Israel, her love of Judaism, that she grew up among Holocaust survivors, and has decried what she said was antisemitism in Hollywood.
Real Parallel Worlds Today - NAZI vs U.S.A. - COVID-19 - ANTIFA - SS vs FBI vs DEATH
Death To You And Your Family... Its For The Greater Good. Death To You And America... Its For The Greater Good. Its A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People... Yes Its For The Greater Good. You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Covil-19 Corrupt U.S.A. Governments... Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Its A Plandemic For New World Order... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People?
Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical U.S.A. Government And Death To The Unvaccinated America People And American Nation CDC director says coronavirus outbreak ‘becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated’ How the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated people of the world for a darwinian perspective. As of 27 May 2023, the 10 leading causes of death accounted for 74.5% of all U.S. deaths in 2021, according to the NVSS. The US has recorded more than 47.7 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 771,500 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data. The global total for COVID-19 cases and deaths is more than 257.8 million cases and 5.15 million deaths, according to the CDC. More than 196 million Americans, 59.1% of the population, are fully vaccinated. The disease was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 people in 2020, accounting for 11.3% of deaths, according to the CDC. P.S. Exposing U.S.A. Gov. Their Lies!
Austrian Archives Reveal Nazi Military Role of Actor’s Father VIENNA — In July 1990, following news reports that his father was a Nazi, movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger approached his friends at the Simon Wiesenthal Center and asked that they find the truth.
“ ‘I don’t know much about my father’s past,’ ” Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the Wiesenthal Center, recalled Schwarzenegger’s telling him. “ ‘I don’t know if it’s good or bad, and I’d like you to find out.’ ”
Asking the Wiesenthal Center to handle the investigation was a logical choice: The center, named after the famed Nazi hunter, had the resources to conduct such a probe. And it was an institution that Schwarzenegger had financially backed over the years.
After a two-month investigation, in which Simon Wiesenthal was involved, the verdict was in: Gustav Schwarzenegger was indeed a member of the Nazi party; he voluntarily applied for membership in 1938. But there was no evidence that he was a war criminal. Nor had the Wiesenthal Center found any evidence that the senior Schwarzenegger belonged to any of Germany’s notorious paramilitary units, such as the Sturmabteilungen (SA) or the Schutzstaffel (SS), which were populated by some of Adolf Hitler’s most ardent supporters.
But documents in the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, reviewed by The Times this week, show that Gustav Schwarzenegger had a deeper involvement in Hitler’s regime than the Wiesenthal Center had uncovered. Hier said the documents were unavailable to the center’s researchers when they investigated the matter.
One document in particular shows that Gustav Schwarzenegger was indeed a member of the Sturmabteilungen, also known as the “storm troopers” or “brownshirts.” He joined the SA on May 1, 1939, according to the entry in the archive file -- about six months after the storm troopers helped launch Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass, when Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were attacked across Germany and Austria and thousands of Jews were hauled off to concentration camps.
The records contain no other information about his activities with the SA. And, with the exception of Kristallnacht, the force had lost its position of dominance to the SS as far back as 1934. Without further documentation, it is difficult to draw conclusions about what Gustav Schwarzenegger did with the SA, said Ursula Schwarz, a researcher with the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance. At the same time, she noted, one had to apply to join the SA, unlike, say, the German army, which Austrian males were required to join after their country was annexed in 1938.
The Austrian documents also show that Gustav Schwarzenegger served with German Army units that saw some of the most brutal bloodshed of World War II, including the invasions of Poland and France and the German rampage through Russia and the siege of Leningrad.
As a military policeman, he appears to have been in theaters of the war where atrocities were committed by the army. But there is no way to know from the documents whether he played a role.
Michael Berenbaum, a Holocaust scholar who has written 14 books on the subject, said that based on the records, Gustav Schwarzenegger appears to have been “in the thick of the battle during the most difficult times” when some of the “most horrific military and nonmilitary killings” occurred.
“He was in the heart of hell,” Berenbaum said.
Gustav Schwarzenegger was made a master sergeant with the Feldgendarmerie, the military police known by the nickname Chained Dogs, apparently from the metal links they wore around their necks as part of the uniform. Although they were police units, many served as combat troops, always on the front line, and were used to suppress civilian populations for the advancing German army.
According to the records, Gustav Schwarzenegger received a great deal of medical attention, and may have been wounded. At some point he contracted malaria. He left the army in 1943.
The Austrian archives also include the papers, part of a so-called de-Nazification process, that in 1947 determined he could work for the postwar state because no specific war crimes had been attributed to him. He worked as a police officer in Austria until his death in 1972.
For years, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been dogged by his father’s past. And critics have seized on Schwarzenegger’s public association with Kurt Waldheim, the former president of Austria and former secretary general of the United Nations. Waldheim was accused of having covered up his involvement in Nazi atrocities committed during World War II.
Schwarzenegger invited Waldheim to his 1986 wedding to Maria Shriver, then anchorwoman of the “CBS Morning News” and a niece of President Kennedy.
The wedding was in April, a month after Waldheim had been publicly accused of lying about his wartime past. Waldheim did not attend the wedding, but sent a gift, prompting an emotional toast by Schwarzenegger, who lauded Waldheim, according to a wedding guest.
“It was so gratuitous and insulting,” said the guest, who asked not to be named. “It ... stunned the crowd into silence.”
On Wednesday, a spokesman for Schwarzenegger’s gubernatorial campaign said the actor has changed his views on Waldheim.
“Arnold has said that if he knew then what he knows now [about Waldheim’s past], he would not have offered the toast,” said spokesman Rob Stutzman. “Arnold has said it was a stupid thing to say.”
Stutzman said Schwarzenegger wanted to consult with the Wiesenthal Center before commenting on the Austrian documents about his father’s war record.
But, Stutzman said, “It’s been well documented that Arnold is concerned about his father’s activities in the German army. He’s been asked about it for years, and over those years it is abundantly clear that Arnold’s views are completely opposite of those of his father.”
Hier agreed, saying Schwarzenegger is shamed and embarrassed by his father’s past. He said the actor has been a strong supporter of Jews and Jewish causes over the years. Arnold Schwarzenegger has contributed about $750,000 to the Wiesenthal Center and has helped to raise millions more by chairing fund-raisers and other events.
Hier said the Wiesenthal Center aggressively pursued information on Gustav Schwarzenegger’s war record, and was not influenced in any way because Arnold Schwarzenegger is a financial supporter of the institution. He said the Austrian records were not available at the time of the center’s investigation because of a “30-year” rule that prohibits the release of information on a soldier until he has been dead for 30 years.
Showed copies of some of the Austrian documents reviewed by The Times, Hier on Wednesday immediately assigned researchers to dig deeper into Gustav Schwarzenegger’s past.
In southern Austria, friends of Arnold Schwarzenegger from Thal, where he was born, and the adjacent town of Graz, where he attended school, said the son had a loving but difficult relationship with his father.
Gustav Schwarzenegger was tough and authoritarian, the friends said. He frequently pitted his two sons against each other in athletic matches and would then praise the winner, usually Arnold’s older brother Meinhard.
Himself an athlete, Gustav Schwarzenegger did not approve of his son’s pursuit of weightlifting and bodybuilding, longtime friend Alfred Gerstl recalled. He wanted his sons to follow in his footsteps as a champion in a traditional Austrian ice sport similar to curling.
“His father was a strong, domineering person who taught him discipline,” said Werner Kopacka, the correspondent in Graz for the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung and a friend of the actor. “He taught Arnold to fight and to bear pain.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger has said he never knew what his father did in the war. Kopacka, 53, said Austrians of his generation as a matter of course did not ask such questions.
“In those days you didn’t ask your father,” he said. “None of us talked much about the war.”
Kurt David Bruhl, for 22 years head of the Jewish community in Graz, did not know Gustav Schwarzenegger but has known the younger Schwarzenegger since the 1960s. Bruhl said he was confident Gustav Schwarzenegger had not taught Nazi-inspired hatred to his children. “It would be unfair to bring any connection to the son from the father,” Bruhl said.
World Economic Forum Great Reset Medical Tyranny, Woke Culture, Green Agenda
A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us. Death To You And Your Family... Its For The Greater Good. Death To You And America... Its For The Greater Good. Its A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People... Yes Its For The Greater Good. You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Covil-19 Corrupt U.S.A. Governments... Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Its A Plandemic For New World Order... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A.
Blood Feasting Pedophiles, Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change. Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two-thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears, and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite. At the head of this planet’s ruling elite are 13 family bloodlines that include the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as well as European royalty, controlling thousands of compromised, bribed and blackmailed puppet politicians, bankers, judges, CEO’s, military generals, entertainers, top-level spies, and police chiefs. Blackmailed pedophile politicians, many of whom are well known elected representatives occupying critically important positions in virtually every national government, particularly in the West, have remained insularly protected and immune from investigation and prosecution. Why? Because those running these global child sex networks internationally control both them and law enforcement and high courts. Pedophiles are disbursed amongst such elitist think tanks as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission as well as various covert organizations like Yale’s Skull and Bones Society and 33rd degree and higher Freemasonry. The bottom line is too many of these “upstanding” members are secretly satanic worshipping, bloodthirsty child rapists and killers. Pizzagate, the Clintons, the Weiners and Jeffrey Epstein are merely the tip of the iceberg.
Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence.
CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child (True ?) What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? “hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of color “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy - So I searching online for any evidence that "pizza," "hotdogs," "cheese," or "pasta" are code words used by pedophiles. Found nothing, yet this "fact" has been repeated in virtually every post about Pizzagate. What's the source? Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language.
U.S. False Flag Operation Against Americans People Let's Stop Killing Each Other Now
False Flag Operations and the Historical Significance of Government-Sponsored Terrorism and During the Cold War the US lost a territory to Communist Soviet Union that was too close to home, and would take drastic measures to overthrow the government of Cuba. In today's educational animated cartoon we dive back into history and take a look at Operation Northwoods. False Flags (sometimes classified as black flag events or pseudo-directives, where paramilitary operations specialists infiltrate various intergovernmental factions disguised as provocateurs from neighboring principalities to effect the desired response) are defined as historically contrived events that typically occur when elements present within the prevailing political spectra actively stage and coordinate clandestine initiatives whereby intergovernmental constituencies, acting in collusion with an unknown contingent, instigate conflicts between nations under false pretense. In these instances, the nations engaging in these types of exercises oftentimes exhibit a type of victim mentality, masquerading as helpless bystanders to the actualization of circumstance, while, unbeknownst to their correspondent public interest, covertly subsidize and orchestrate the occurrence of these climacterics. Telecommunications agencies are surreptitiously persuaded through monetary contributions to influence public opinion - the unacknowledged authors of manufactured consensus. Engineered acts of aggression visited upon such principalities are then utilized as a means to justify unlawful military incursion against the opponents of these legislative stipulations. In recent years, the incidence of these types of events has been preceded by government coordinated drills, often executed in the guise of some form of preparatory engagement.
Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 43 Dead 171 Wounded
Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship (spy ship), USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish.
Israel Surprise Attack On Egypt Only And Later Israel Attack Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Sinai
Israel Surprise Attack On Egypt Only June 1967 war was a critical development in the Arab-Israeli conflict, with consequences that are felt across the region to this day. It redrew the landscape of the conflict, expanded Israel’s territorial claims and confirmed its military dominance in the region.
Untold Story of Swastikas' - A film about the true history of Swastikas' in Hinduism
What's is the meaning of Swastikas'? Where did it originate from? Is it that many civilizations used Swastikas' as part of their culture? Answers to all these questions. What's is the meaning of Swastikas'? Where did it originate from? Is it that many civilizations used Swastikas' as part of their culture? Answers to all these questions. Nazi - Swastika The Swastika is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is also a sign of spiritual purity.
I Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag Was A Marketing Ploy Designed To Sell Flags
Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance very well – the great majority of US states require school children to recite it every single morning. But not many of us know the true history of the Pledge of Allegiance.
While it's true that the Pledge of Allegiance was created as a way to instill patriotism in American kids, it's also so much more than that. The Pledge has gone through several transformations, each of which provides a really interesting insight into the fears and desires of the United States at a particular point in history.
Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance very well – the great majority of US states require school children to recite it every single morning.
While it's true that the Pledge of Allegiance was created as a way to instill patriotism in American kids, it's also so much more than that.
The Pledge of Allegiance has also stirred up controversy over the years, with its original salute (too close to the Nazi salute for comfort) and the addition of "under God." But most people aren't even aware of one of its hidden controversies – that it was written to sell flags for a magazine.
We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now
Let's Stop All Wars Now in chronologically ordered by the year that hostilities were initiated The Final Speech from The Great Dictator was Chaplin’s first film with dialogue. Chaplin plays both a little Jewish barber, living in the ghetto, and Hynkel, the dictator ruler of Tomainia. In his autobiography Chaplin quotes himself as having said: “One doesn’t have to be a Jew to be anti Nazi. All one has to be is a normal decent human being.”
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.
Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.
The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.
It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America.
Thanks For Calling and Remember the U.S. Government Leave No Witnesses Alive Behind Them. If You See Fraudulent or Criminal Activities by U.S. Government. Please Call Us (ASAP) So We Can Send Someone Out To Kill You! Thanks Again For Calling.
The Presidential Hotline Pedophile and Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Etc. Call 1-866-4-5455-968 ( 1-866-I-Kill-You ) should be used when all your attempts to get assistance from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. It is not only a complaints line. You can call to share your views or provide solutions to the challenges in your community. We also list the help line numbers of non-governmental organization's working with government. You may call at 987-654-3210 ext. new world order!
In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. Thank You To Everyone From Us.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
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