STOP Trying To Look Like a Bodybuilder

1 year ago

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This is a spontaneous rant that emerged out of nowhere after an intense workout. I'm unsure of what triggered it, but I want to emphasize that I do not mean any disrespect whatsoever. However, I genuinely feel the need to share this impassioned perspective because someone out there may benefit from hearing it.

Let's be honest for a moment. Harvard Anthropology Professor Daniel Lieberman asserts that "Humans are subpar athletes when it comes to power and speed, but we excel in endurance. We are essentially the tortoises of the animal kingdom." (Source:

Certainly, I'm aware that there are individuals among us who seem like descendants of Goliath. And yes, human beings are capable of achieving astonishing speeds and displaying feats of power that are nothing short of breathtaking. Moreover, there are genetically gifted individuals who naturally carry substantial muscle mass without needing extensive training. I understand that we are a diverse species, but we cannot escape our genetic potential (and limitations) that define us as 'Power-Endurance' beings.

The essence of this rant revolves around the global phenomenon of Bodybuilding, which, especially in recent years, has taken on abnormal dimensions in terms of size. It doesn't seem logical to channel all our training efforts into just one or two specific aspects of human performance while neglecting all others. What's even more concerning is the use of chemicals, typically reserved for treating diseases and illnesses, to augment the pursuit of more muscle and greater strength.

Why are we so enthusiastic about jeopardizing our health and body image in the relentless pursuit of appearing bigger, stronger, and more muscular? Only to realize that we struggle to take a brisk walk without wheezing and gasping like sedentary individuals after putting massive size and looking like Michelin Man. Indeed, while striving to enhance the aesthetics of each and every muscle group, we often overlook the most vital muscle that runs this entire show in the first place: our HEART.

This rant is not intended to talk down on bodybuilders but to inspire people like me, who almost succumbed to taking steroids due to the gradual development of symptoms of Bigorexia. There is more to human performance than just muscle, and the kettlebell was one of the reasons I escaped the rat race of trying to look bigger than the next guy.

If you can relate to this, I've got your back! And I hope I've been able to motivate you to pick up some kettlebells along the way.. 💙

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