Latest Technology Lets Mere Mortals Zoom In Really Close To The Moon

7 years ago

Rumble user Curveless Horizon got their hands on the awesome Nikon COOLPIX P900 camera with a zoom so powerful, you can see craters on the moon's surface. Let us remind you that the moon is close to 239,000 miles from Earth.

With a clear and amazing view of the Moon rising over a trailer park, CurvelessHorizon managed to capture the glory of our Moon several times over the course of a few nights. The powerful 83x optical zoom makes the Moon go from a bright, orange circle, to a grey and black sphere in the night sky, showing all of its craters and dimples.

You can see the actual holes on the moon's surface where it's been hit by asteroids and comets thanks to the camera’s record breaking optical zoom. That thing is so powerful, you can even watch the moon move across the sky as Earth rotates. The second most awesome feature about that camera is that image is surprisingly stable for such an extreme zoom.

The COOLPIX 900 has a lens that goes from 24mm to 2000mm in the 35mm format. To put it in perspective, a sports photographer at a major game, using an DSLR, might have a 200-600mm lens.

But we are still uncomfortable being that close to the Moon.

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