Arcturian Mothership

1 year ago

Arcturian Mothership #NEIOH

Arcturians are the CLAS of CLASHIK. They are ‘of Elohim’ which means they originated in 12D, and along with Pleiadians, are among the most powerful races in our galaxy. Arcturians and Pleiadians have been united for millions of our years and often have mixed families together. Arcturians have blue skin and can be from 3 feet to 15 feet tall. There are 50 million currently incarnated as humans and most don’t know it. We see their triangle crafts near military bases where they land and completely change their appearance when meeting with compartmentalized military.

Galactic Federation sightings are happening all around the world. Not all of them are shared. Sightings will increase as people become more ready.

#staycuriousANDkeepsmilin #truthSoldiers

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