Arkansas State Police Trooper Caviness Chases Mail Theft Suspect Along With Secert Service 10/01/23

11 months ago

On 10/1/2023, during a joint operation with the U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Secret Service, and Little Rock Police Department, I was notified that a suspicious black Pontiac passenger car had stopped near a U.S. Post Office to possibly break into a drop box. The special agents then informed me that the operator, later identified as Christopher Sheard, exited the vehicle and unlawfully gained access to a post office drop box, taking the contents inside. Special Agents then followed behind the suspect vehicle, relaying their location periodically. I then began patrolling near the area, deciding to park in a parking lot at the intersection of Rodney Parham Road and Breckenridge Drive.

A short time later, I observed the vehicle traveling north on Breckenridge Drive, followed by two unmarked law enforcement vehicles. I confirmed with the federal agents that the vehicle being followed was the one they observed breaking and entering into the drop box. The special agents confirmed the vehicle, and I turned onto Breckenridge Drive behind the suspect vehicle, initiating my emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop as the suspect vehicle turned into the McDonald's parking lot. Sheard continued driving the suspect vehicle through the parking lot, failing to slow, so I initiated my siren. It then became apparent that Sheard was refusing to stop, and I initiated a pursuit. Sheard exited the parking lot onto Rodney Parham Road before turning onto Interstate 430 North.

I followed behind the suspect vehicle as it traveled on Interstate 430 north on-ramp when I observed a bag, later discovered to contain mail recently taken from the post office drop box, thrown from the driver's window. The suspect vehicle then merged onto the Interstate as I caught up to the vehicle to attempt a Tactical Vehicle Intervention (TVI). As I positioned my patrol vehicle alongside the suspect vehicle, Sheard applied his brakes, causing the suspect vehicle to slow to avoid the TVI. I was able to slow along with the suspect vehicle, keeping the vehicle in front of my patrol vehicle. With clear traffic conditions, I positioned my patrol vehicle to conduct a TVI. Sheard again attempted to bake; however, I was able to match the initial slowing of the suspect vehicle, turning my patrol vehicle into it and successfully conducting a TVI. The suspect vehicle spun in front of my patrol unit and performed a full 360-degree turn into the left travel lane of Interstate 430 North. I then positioned my patrol vehicle's front bumper against the right rear tire of the suspect vehicle, preventing Mr. Sheard from continuing to flee. With the suspect vehicle stopped, I initiated a felony takedown of the vehicle with the assistance of other Troopers and Federal Agents. Mr. Sheard and his passenger Kenneth Golden were taken into custody without further incident. With Sheard in custody, I searched his person, discovering a large bundle of cash and marijuana in his pockets, which I turned over to the Little Rock Police Department. An inventory was then conducted of the suspect vehicle, with all evidence being collected by the Little Rock Police Department. Sheard and Golden were transported from the scene to the Pulaski County Detention Center, where they were booked on their charges. See Little Rock Police Department report number 2023114368 for a list of evidence
and charges.

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