Baptism In the Name of Jesus (or Father, Son, & Holy Spirit)

1 year ago

Baptism in the NAME of Jesus, or in the name of the Father. Son, and holy spirit?

Do people usually ask, what formula was used at your baptism? Was it the words used or the way the baptism was done that which untied you with Christ? Or was it your mind - understanding who Jesus was and is and what he taught, and your heart, with your mind desiring to die to self and follow this Jesus? Were you simply obeying and being baptized as he said.

Today we are going to take a look at Christian baptism. Our focus will be on how it is done and why, and if it matters what is said.

Why Matt 28:19 is neither a Trinitarian Formula nor a Corruption:

#baptism #fathersonholyspirit
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