How Can The Great Reject Movement & The People's Referendum Work?

1 year ago

The Great Reject is a movement which aims to form highly-organised but decentralised armies of messengers who talk with the unaware people in their communities face to face and educate them so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to decide whether to submit to, or resist, the existential globalist totalitarian threat before us.

The intention for The People’s Referendum is simply to find, educate, collect votes and connect people who are against the Great Reset and who recognise the that our current democratic system is not working.

After 2 years’ preparation our solution to this global threat is now ready, so if you value freedom over tyranny, reason over dogma, truth over propaganda, cooperation over conflict and peace over violence we hope you will visit our website to learn more and VOTE!

If you are in New Zealand please vote here:
If you are elsewhere in the world please vote here: http://ThePeoplesReferendum.World

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