Livin' Here In Babylon - Jimmie Bratcher

1 year ago

2023 (c) & (p) Eric Stark Music
“Livin’ Here In Babylon” is a song of trust. It may not appear so at first glance, but what is trying to be communicated is that we must trust in the Lord above all earthly organizations and governments. Isaiah 9:6 tells us, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us, a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder.” In verse 7, it says, “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.” Many find themselves worried and distressed concerning how the government is being run and I understand that. Ultimately we all want good, honorable, trustworthy men and women in positions of authority. But I believe the Kingdom of God is higher than any of the governments of this world and the One to which every knee will bow. The Kingdom of God is not dependent on who is elected or not elected. When we pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven,” do we trust the Lord to do it? Can we trust and have peace?

For me, this song is about standing, strong, and staying true in the midst of chaos and pain.
When I look back at history, I am reminded of the horrors that so many governments have produced, then I look inward and question my own beliefs. I’ve been wrong so many times, thinking that if we only had the right people in power we could somehow bring peace to this planet. After all, it is a noble pursuit, right? I long for the time foretold when we beat our swords (our weapons) into plow shares, and a time when we no longer teach our children war. I dream about just what this planet will be like when corruption is banished and all power and authority are given to the only One who is able to correctly execute that authority. The One whose only motive is and always will be “love,” and His government is peace.

Isaiah 9:7 – Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end.

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