The CCP is a transnational terrorist organization and never treats its own people well

1 year ago

10/26/2023 【Aila on the @WayneDupreeShow】Aila Wang: People who work for the CCP never end well; The CCP is a transnational terrorist organization and never treats its own people well; I think the CCP is afraid of freedom-loving Chinese people smiling in front of the camera, but we, members of the NFSC, are always in great spirits and have big smiles. We will not stop our work until the CCP is eliminated!
#NFSC #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/26/2023 【小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Show节目】小飞象:为中共卖命的人最终都没有好下场;中共就是跨国恐怖组织,不会善待自己的人民;中共害怕热爱自由的中国人在镜头前微笑,而新中国联邦人个个都精神抖擞,笑容满面!中共不灭,我们就不会停止我们的工作!
#新中国联邦 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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