Former Premier Li Keqiang passed away, so let's review what Miles Guo commented on him

1 year ago

10/27/2023 The CCP official media reports that former Premier Li Keqiang passed away due to a sudden heart attack at the age of 68. Mr. Miles Guo, the founder of the NFSC, previously pointed out that Xi Jinping had no respect for Li Keqiang, who not only lacked real power but was also naive and cowardly. When Hu Jintao was escorted out by Xi at the 20th Party Congress, he patted Li. If Li had stood up at that moment, perhaps he wouldn't have ended up like this. The top CCP cadres have no faith and thus are far inferior to the NFSC members!
#LiKeqiang #MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
10/27/2023 中共官媒报道,中共前总理李克强因突发心脏病而逝世,享年68岁。新中国联邦创始人郭文贵先生曾指出,习近平根本瞧不起李克强,后者不仅不掌握任何实权,而且天真、懦弱。胡锦涛在被习近平架出20大会场前,拍了拍李克强,如果他当时站了起来,也许现在就不会落得如此下场。中共的高官们毫无信仰,跟新中国联邦人相比差远了!
#李克强 #郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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