SLOBODNI podcast #50 David Rogers Webb-Sve je spremno za preuzimanje vaše imovine

1 year ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ financijski stručnjak i voditelj hedge fonda na Wall streetu i autor knjige "The Great Taking" upozorava kako je pravno pripremljeno da u slučaju buduće financijske krize favorizirani vjerovnici mogu automatski preuzeti svu imovinu. Toga na žalost nisu svjesni ljudi koji ulažu u financijske proizvode kao i svi ostali vlasnici. Kniigu možete skinuti ovdje
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ financial expert and hedge fund manager on Wall Street and author of the book "The Great Taking" warns that it is legally prepared that in the event of a future financial crisis, favored creditors can automatically take over all property. Unfortunately, people who invest in financial products, like all other owners, are not aware of this. You can download the book here

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